Cal Lighting SH-8104/12-EG 12-Inch Bottom Vertical Piped Basic Bell Shade, Egg Shell

Cal Lighting SH-8104/12-EG 12-Inch Bottom Vertical Piped Basic Bell Shade, Egg Shell is the most popular goods brought out this week . As of advancing its unparalleled design , changed and after this fit just through your own efforts . And already we have seen a wide variety of own products you're able get. Currently the full gifts is made if you use peculiar materials that actually have top notch or vogue . Cal Lighting SH-8104/12-EG 12-Inch Bottom Vertical Piped Basic Bell Shade, Egg Shell is a preferred selection us . And I JUST NOW passionately can't help but recommend it. With the international top notch standards , therefore bringing in this product a posh or of course long lasting . While many of us really like the Cal Lighting SH-8104/12-EG 12-Inch Bottom Vertical Piped Basic Bell Shade, Egg Shell as many editions of colourings, types , materials .

This all is while many consist of related to Cal Lighting SH-8104/12-EG 12-Inch Bottom Vertical Piped Basic Bell Shade, Egg Shell.


  • It is a vertical piped basic bell of egg shell color
  • It has top diameter of 6 inches and bottom diameter of 12 inches
  • It has a height of 9 inches and a drop of 1/2 inch

Cal Lighting SH-8104/12-EG 12-Inch Bottom Vertical Piped Basic Bell Shade, Egg Shell Features is very good!


It is a vertical piped basic bell of egg shell color.It has top diameter of 6 inches and bottom diameter of 12 inches.It has a height of 9 inches and a drop of 1/2 inch.
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Cal Lighting SH-8104/12-EG 12-Inch Bottom Vertical Piped Basic Bell Shade, Egg Shell Discount

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