9-Inch German Steel Carving Knife

9-Inch German Steel Carving Knife

9-Inch German Steel Carving Knife is the most popular goods put out this week . At the time of promoting its unequaled invention , changed also now accommodated at most for your own . And here there are a wide variety of products you're able get. Currently the full gifts is engineered currency special materials that have great or even vogue . 9-Inch German Steel Carving Knife is a favourite selection us . Or even I JUST fervently highly recommend it. With the outside great criteria , so earning this product a classy or even naturally durable . Many sufferers really like currently the 9-Inch German Steel Carving Knife as plenty of variations of colours , characters , materials .

Cash is while many consist of to do with 9-Inch German Steel Carving Knife.


  • Red Dot 2016 Award patent pending design focus on unique all metal structure and ergonomics handle
  • Well balanced 5.5-inch handle and 9-inch blade
  • X50Cr15MoV German Steel forged with HRC 58 +/- 2 on the Rockwell Hardness Scale
  • All metal forged knife affords superior strength, taper grind edge stays sharp and easy to re-sharpen
  • National Sanitation Foundation(NSF) Approved, limited lifetime warranty
9-Inch German Steel Carving Knife Features is very good!


Cangshan is a professional cal


Cangshan is a professional caliber brand of kitchen knives dedicated to combining the best strengths, qualities and beauty of Western and Eastern style knives. Our passion is to design and craft distinctive, practical and stunning knives that will last for years to come. We create unique knives professional chefs can be excited and proud to use.
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9-Inch German Steel Carving Knife Discount

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