Abba Patio Umbrella Base Steel Patio Umbrella Stand with Two Wheels, Steel Planter, 17.7L x 17.7W x 10.2H inch

Abba Patio Umbrella Base Steel Patio Umbrella Stand with Two Wheels, Steel Planter, 17.7L x 17.7W x 10.2H inch

Abba Patio Umbrella Base Steel Patio Umbrella Stand with Two Wheels, Steel Planter, 17.7L x 17.7W x 10.2H inch is the best goods issued this workweek. As of furthering you'll find it unique excogitation , changed and here fit about for you . Also now there are a wide selection of products you're able get. Currently the total product is designed with the use of particular materials that really have world class and vogue . Abba Patio Umbrella Base Steel Patio Umbrella Stand with Two Wheels, Steel Planter, 17.7L x 17.7W x 10.2H inch is a favored pick some of us . And FREEZING fervently strongly recommend it. With the external world class measures , thence making this product a swish and naturally long lasting . Many sufferers really like the Abba Patio Umbrella Base Steel Patio Umbrella Stand with Two Wheels, Steel Planter, 17.7L x 17.7W x 10.2H inch as so many variations of colours , eccentrics , materials .

Cash is some recommended to do with Abba Patio Umbrella Base Steel Patio Umbrella Stand with Two Wheels, Steel Planter, 17.7L x 17.7W x 10.2H inch.


  • Holds up to 2 diameter umbrella pole
  • Fill the base with sand or soil(weight can reach to 150lbs), you can even grow grass or flowers to bring beauty to your garden
  • Supports 6' - 9' umbrella; two hand-turn knobs for securing umbrella to the base
  • Convenient wheels allow for base to be moved as needed easily
  • Sturdy Steel construction in brown powder-coated finish, preventing chipping, peeling, rust and corrosion
Abba Patio Umbrella Base Steel Patio Umbrella Stand with Two Wheels, Steel Planter, 17.7L x 17.7W x 10.2H inch Features is very good!


The perfect choice for residential or commercial use or for your busy backyard, the 30 lb. Steel Patio Umbrella Stand offers years of practical function. It boasts a steel construction in brown powder-coated finish for lasting use. The best part is that the stand has wheels, which make moving and positioning your umbrella a breeze. This base is fade, mildew, water, UV, weather and stain resistant that makes it look like new for a long time. The weight can reach to 150lbs when you put sand or soil into the base. This stylish umbrella base can also be used as planter. You can plant flowers or grass there and this function will definitely add elegance to your garden!

- Brand: Abba Patio
-Material: Steel
-Dimensions: 17.7L x 17.7W x 10.2H inch
- Pole Diameter: 2.2 inch
-Net Weight: 30bls (weight can reach to 150lbs when you put sand or soil)
- Commercial/Residential: Both

About Abba Patio
Abba Patio, a top designer and manufacturer of high quality gardening products, from patio Umbrellas, Canopies, Awnings to Garden Furniture sets.
Each piece is sleekly designed, rigorously tested for durability, and assembly instructions have been standardized for simplicity

Each piece is sleekly designed, rigorously tested for durability, and assembly instructions have been standardized for simplicity from start to finish. This classic style and reliable craftsmanship will weather ever-changing trends and regular use for years to come. Due to take in sunlight and the monitor, pictures may have a slight chromatism problem. This is inevitable.

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Abba Patio Umbrella Base Steel Patio Umbrella Stand with Two Wheels, Steel Planter, 17.7L x 17.7W x 10.2H inch Discount

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