Bin Warehouse DFAE2MBW-12TC Compact Storage System

Bin Warehouse DFAE2MBW-12TC Compact Storage System

Bin Warehouse DFAE2MBW-12TC Compact Storage System is the most popular commodities issued the foregoing workweek. At the time of boosting its unequaled design , varied and accommodated only for your own use . And now we have seen a wide variety of own products it's possible get. The complete products is constructed through peculiar materials that have top ranking and vogue . Bin Warehouse DFAE2MBW-12TC Compact Storage System is a preferent choice many of us. And FREEZING solidly strongly recommend it. With the international top ranking standards , thus making this product a swish and however long lived. While most of us like the Bin Warehouse DFAE2MBW-12TC Compact Storage System as a great number of editions of colorings , characters , materials .

Involves is while most planned to do with Bin Warehouse DFAE2MBW-12TC Compact Storage System.


  • Holds 12 storage bins utilizing minimal space (bins sold separately)
  • Bins slide in and out with ease
  • Unit will hold up to 600 lbs and easily mounts to the wall
  • Recommended Bin Size 18 to 22--Gallon
  • Ideal for: Garages Basements Storage Rooms Dormitory Rooms Walk-in Closets.
Bin Warehouse DFAE2MBW-12TC Compact Storage System Features is very good!


The Bin Warehouse 12 Tote Compact Model Storage


The Bin Warehouse 12 Tote Compact Model Storage System is the perfect way to store and organize storage totes that you may already have, or want to purchase in the future. It was designed to accommodate the 18 to 22-Gallon Totes, the most popular sized storage totes sold today. Also available are our Bin Warehouse 22-Gallon-Inch Fold-A-Totes-Inch which are designed to fit this system perfectly. This system allows the totes to slide in and out with ease, and provides access to any tote independently. Bin Warehouse Systems are constructed of sturdy PVC tubing and come complete with wall mounting hardware. They also include 12 I.D. labels for your convenience. Assembles easily using Phillips head powered screwdriver with a No.2 bit. Overall measurements are 58-1/2-Inch height by 59-Inch Wide by 21 1/2-Inch D. Unit holds twelve 18 to 22-Gallon storage totes. Limited lifetime warranty on replacement parts only.
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Bin Warehouse DFAE2MBW-12TC Compact Storage System Discount

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