Mist W10413645A, W10238154, Pur Filter 2, Kenmore 469903, 9903 EDR2RXD2 Refrigerator Water Filter (3 Pack)

Mist W10413645A, W10238154, Pur Filter 2, Kenmore 469903, 9903 EDR2RXD2 Refrigerator Water Filter (3 Pack)

Mist W10413645A, W10238154, Pur Filter 2, Kenmore 469903, 9903 EDR2RXD2 Refrigerator Water Filter (3 Pack) is the best goods released this workweek. By encouraging you'll find it alone excogitation , varied and already fit just around for your own use . And then we have seen a wide variety of own products it's possible get. Currently the overall object is constructed by using peculiar stuffs that really have top notch and trend. Mist W10413645A, W10238154, Pur Filter 2, Kenmore 469903, 9903 EDR2RXD2 Refrigerator Water Filter (3 Pack) is a preferred choice us . Or FREEZING strongly can't help but recommend it. With the international top notch criteria , so pulling in this product a classy and clearly lasting . While most folks really like currently the Mist W10413645A, W10238154, Pur Filter 2, Kenmore 469903, 9903 EDR2RXD2 Refrigerator Water Filter (3 Pack) as lots of variations of colours , cases, stuffs.

Doing this is some recommended about Mist W10413645A, W10238154, Pur Filter 2, Kenmore 469903, 9903 EDR2RXD2 Refrigerator Water Filter (3 Pack).


  • High quality, affordable activated carbon filter replacement for: Whirlpool W10413645A, W10238154, PUR FILTER 2, P6RFWB2, KENMORE 469903, 9903, EDR2RXD2.
  • Reduces chlorine, turbidity, cysts, heavy metalReduces chlorine, turbidity, cysts, heavy metals and harmful sediments. Eliminates chlorine and pathogens while retaining beneficial minerals and fluoride leaving no odor or taste.
  • Tested and certified by Iapmo R&T to NSF/ANSI Standard 42. Will fit and lock in all compatible refrigerators. Guaranteed.
  • Mist filter line by ClearWater the Higher standard in affordable water filtering.
  • Will not leak! Guaranteed or 100% money back.
Mist W10413645A, W10238154, Pur Filter 2, Kenmore 469903, 9903 EDR2RXD2 Refrigerator Water Filter (3 Pack) Features is very good!


Tested and certified by the IAPMO R&T.  Mist by Clearwater filter CWMF042 meets NSF/ANSI 4


Tested and certified by the IAPMO R&T.  Mist by Clearwater filter CWMF042 meets NSF/ANSI 42 & NSF/ANSI 372 standards

for reduction of lead content and removal of contaminants such as chlorine, taste and odor, and particulates.

This high flow rate filter delivers clean, clear water that looks and tastes great. 

Compatible with

W10413645A, W10238154

KENMORE - 469903,9903



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Mist W10413645A, W10238154, Pur Filter 2, Kenmore 469903, 9903 EDR2RXD2 Refrigerator Water Filter (3 Pack) Discount

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