Verdental Stainless Steel Dredge Salt / Sugar / Spice / Pepper Shaker Seasoning Cans with Rotating Cover - 2 PCS

Verdental Stainless Steel Dredge Salt / Sugar / Spice / Pepper Shaker Seasoning Cans with Rotating Cover - 2 PCS

Verdental Stainless Steel Dredge Salt / Sugar / Spice / Pepper Shaker Seasoning Cans with Rotating Cover - 2 PCS is the most popular goods published this workweek. By furthering its unequalled design , varied and today accommodated around for your own . And today there has been a wide selection of products you can get. The overall collections is made with peculiar stuffs that truly have top shelf or trend. Verdental Stainless Steel Dredge Salt / Sugar / Spice / Pepper Shaker Seasoning Cans with Rotating Cover - 2 PCS is a pet choice some people . And I fervently recommend it. With the international top shelf criteria , therefore bringing in this product a posh or however long lasting . Some folks love currently the Verdental Stainless Steel Dredge Salt / Sugar / Spice / Pepper Shaker Seasoning Cans with Rotating Cover - 2 PCS as so many variants of colourings, characters , stuffs.

Doing this is while many consist of to do with Verdental Stainless Steel Dredge Salt / Sugar / Spice / Pepper Shaker Seasoning Cans with Rotating Cover - 2 PCS.


  • 100% brand new and high quality,bring convenience to your life
  • Material: New Stainless Steel 201; Package Include: 2 piece
  • Diameter:5cm(1.97in),Height:7cm(2.76in),Individual Weight:40g(1.41oz);Hole diameter: small hole 2mm,medium hole 4mm,large hole 6mm
  • With rotating cover,the lid rotates closed,tight and reliable seal
  • Removable lid: easy to clean and dishwasher safe, health and safety
Verdental Stainless Steel Dredge Salt / Sugar / Spice / Pepper Shaker Seasoning Cans with Rotating Cover - 2 PCS Features is very good!



1> Food grade stainless steel,health and safety;
2> Unique design of rotary multihole structure: rotate to select three sizes selector on top of the shaker to dispense different grinds of seasonings, can be used for all powder seasoning;
3> Removable lid: easy to clean and dishwasher safe;
4> Rotate to be in full close: tight and reliable seal;
5> Diameter:5cm(1.97in),Height:7cm(2.76in),Individual Weight:40g(1.41oz);Hole diameter: small hole 2mm,medium hole 4mm,large hole 6mm; Package Include: 2 piece.
6> 100% brand new and high quality,bring convenience to your life;


This product is made from high quality stainless steel materials, unique design of rotary multihole structure allow you select 3 sizes selector on top of the shaker to dispense different grinds of seasonings,you can rotate it to be in full close when not in use to retain freshness of seasoning,convenient and practical! Nordic fashion appearance design,clean stainless steel bottle body, fashion and practical, suitable for all kinds of powder,granular condiment for storage.

Perfect for restaurant and home use in dispensing salt, pepper, sugar, powdered sugar and other spices for cooking, baking and as con
Perfect for restaurant and home use in dispensing salt, pepper, sugar, powdered sugar and other spices for cooking, baking and as condiment containers.
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Verdental Stainless Steel Dredge Salt / Sugar / Spice / Pepper Shaker Seasoning Cans with Rotating Cover - 2 PCS Discount

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