50s Retro Stoneware Salt and Pepper Shakers Set

50s Retro Stoneware Salt and Pepper Shakers Set

50s Retro Stoneware Salt and Pepper Shakers Set is the best goods published this workweek. Adjusted furthering its unparalleled excogitation , altered and then fit about for yourself . Also now we have seen a wide variety of merchandise you're able get. Currently the entire item is made with particular stuffs that really have top ranking and style . 50s Retro Stoneware Salt and Pepper Shakers Set is a favorite selection us . Or I RECENTLY fervently recommend it. With the international top ranking standards , therefore bringing in this product a swish and as you can imagine durable . While many sufferers really love the 50s Retro Stoneware Salt and Pepper Shakers Set as a lot of variants of colourings, eccentrics , stuffs.

Doing this is alot of suggested related to 50s Retro Stoneware Salt and Pepper Shakers Set.


  • Vintage 50s retro design with art deco styling
  • Light blue and green with gleaming painted chrome tops
  • Fill from the bottom; silicone stoppers
  • Made of durable stoneware
  • Each shaker 2.4 x 2 x 3.6 inches (LxWxH)
50s Retro Stoneware Salt and Pepper Shakers Set Features is very good!


Add some rock and roll style to your kitchen


Add some rock and roll style to your kitchen or dining room with these 50's Diner Style Salt & Pepper Shakers. The shakers are made of stoneware and painted in retro turquoise & mint green colors. These lovely 4" shakers are nice and heavy and feature raised art deco detailing reminiscent of a 1950's jukebox. The shakers are all one-piece with a rubber stopper on the bottom for filling. The silver top does not twist off - it is made to look like a twist off top only.
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50s Retro Stoneware Salt and Pepper Shakers Set Discount

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