Danco 10513 15/16"-27M / 5/64"-27F X 3/4" GHTM or 55/64"-27M Multi-Thread Garden Hose Aerator Adaptor, Chrome

Danco 10513 15/16"-27M / 5/64"-27F X 3/4" GHTM or 55/64"-27M Multi-Thread Garden Hose Aerator Adaptor, Chrome

Danco 10513 15/16"-27M / 5/64"-27F X 3/4" GHTM or 55/64"-27M Multi-Thread Garden Hose Aerator Adaptor, Chrome is the best goods brought out this workweek. At the time of furthering you'll find it unique invention , varied and then accommodated only for you . And from now on there's been a wide selection of wares you can get. Currently the overall goods is made if you use special stuffs that really have world class or even style . Danco 10513 15/16"-27M / 5/64"-27F X 3/4" GHTM or 55/64"-27M Multi-Thread Garden Hose Aerator Adaptor, Chrome is a favourite choice some of us . Or WE firmly can't help but recommend it. With the outside world class standards , thus realising this product a posh or even as you can imagine long lasting . Many sufferers like currently the Danco 10513 15/16"-27M / 5/64"-27F X 3/4" GHTM or 55/64"-27M Multi-Thread Garden Hose Aerator Adaptor, Chrome as many editions of colours , characters , stuffs.

All of this is while many recommended related to Danco 10513 15/16"-27M / 5/64"-27F X 3/4" GHTM or 55/64"-27M Multi-Thread Garden Hose Aerator Adaptor, Chrome.


  • Chrome-plated brass for greater durability
  • Male 15/16-27 or female 55/64-27 x male 3/4 garden hose or male 55/64-27
  • Offers a quick connection
  • Easy installation
  • Low lead, complies with reduction of lead in drinking water act
Danco 10513 15/16"-27M / 5/64"-27F X 3/4" GHTM or 55/64"-27M Multi-Thread Garden Hose Aerator Adaptor, Chrome Features is very good!


The Danco Adapter connects a female garden hose to a male or female faucet. It will connect a male or fema


The Danco Adapter connects a female garden hose to a male or female faucet. It will connect a male or female aerator to a male or female faucet. The multi thread design can fit faucets with both inside and outside threads.
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Danco 10513 15/16

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