Flexzion Pond Pump Submersible (2100GPH) Adjustable Frequency Inline Aquarium Fountain Waterfall Koi Fish Salt Fresh Water Filter with Set of Outlet Adapter

Flexzion Pond Pump Submersible (2100GPH) Adjustable Frequency Inline Aquarium Fountain Waterfall Koi Fish Salt Fresh Water Filter with Set of Outlet Adapter

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Considerable time is while most proposed about Flexzion Pond Pump Submersible (2100GPH) Adjustable Frequency Inline Aquarium Fountain Waterfall Koi Fish Salt Fresh Water Filter with Set of Outlet Adapter.


  • This pump is good for aquariums, waterfalls, pond filtration systems or any other pond application
  • Can be used submerged or inline (external) with both salt and fresh water, indoors or out
  • Adjustable flow rate; Safe for fish, with no oil, copper or harmful chemicals
  • Allow large size of dirt particle up to 1/4" with spiral propeller design; Energy saving up to 60% with electronic frequency conversion technology
  • Well designed with variable frequency technology for a variety of settings: small power, large flow, high H-max, silence
Flexzion Pond Pump Submersible (2100GPH) Adjustable Frequency Inline Aquarium Fountain Waterfall Koi Fish Salt Fresh Water Filter with Set of Outlet Adapter Features is very good!


The adjustable aquarium pond pump is a versatile tool for use in a variety of functions including aquarium and pond filtration and waterfalls. Use it indoors or out, submerged or externally, for salt or fresh water fish. Electronic variable frequency technology allows for a flow rate that is adjustable and energy saving with small power, large flow, high H-max, and silence settings. Build to last with non-corrosive material, this pump will last for years for a variety of purposes.


  • Max Flow Rate: 2100 GPH (8000L/H)
  • H-Max (Lift height): 18 feet
  • Power: 70 Watt, 110-120V
  • Allowed dirt partic


  • Max Flow Rate: 2100 GPH (8000L/H)
  • H-Max (Lift height): 18 feet
  • Power: 70 Watt, 110-120V
  • Allowed dirt particle size: 1/4 inch
  • Outlet: Fits 3/4"~ 1"~ 1-1/4" ID tubing with barbed fitting, 1-1/4" threaded
  • Inlet: 1-1/4" threaded

Package Content:

  • 1x Pond Pump 2100GPH Adjustable Submersible Inline Fountain Waterfall Koi Filter
  • 1x Set of outlet adapter
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Flexzion Pond Pump Submersible (2100GPH) Adjustable Frequency Inline Aquarium Fountain Waterfall Koi Fish Salt Fresh Water Filter with Set of Outlet Adapter Discount

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