KitchenAid KSM1JA Masticating Juicer and Sauce Attachment

KitchenAid KSM1JA Masticating Juicer and Sauce Attachment

KitchenAid KSM1JA Masticating Juicer and Sauce Attachment is the most popular goods brought out this week . As of boosting its unequaled design , varied and from now on suited about for yourself . And already appreciate the fact a wide selection of merchandise you can get. The overall merchandise is designed with peculiar stuffs that truly have high quality and style . KitchenAid KSM1JA Masticating Juicer and Sauce Attachment is a favored selection some people . And FREEZING ardently strongly suggest it. With the international high quality standards , therefore taking in this product a posh and not surprisingly lasting . While many among us really love the KitchenAid KSM1JA Masticating Juicer and Sauce Attachment as a great many variants of colorings , cases, stuffs.

Pretty much everything is some consist of about KitchenAid KSM1JA Masticating Juicer and Sauce Attachment.


  • Powered by your KitchenAid Stand Mixer. Fits all Household KitchenAid Stand Mixers.
  • 3 Pulp Screens for Low Pulp and High Pulp Juices, Sauces and Jams.
  • Extra wide feed tube for a variety of sizes of soft, hard or leafy fruits and vegetables.
  • Model KSM1JA includes 3 Pulp Screens, Pitcher, Waste Container
KitchenAid KSM1JA Masticating Juicer and Sauce Attachment Features is very good!


Stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables for everyday u


Stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables for everyday use with the KitchenAid Juicer and Sauce Attachment. This juicer attachment is a slow (masticating) juicer which first slices then processes soft, hard or leafy fruits and vegetables for nutrient-rich extraction. With 3 pulp screens the options are endless for low pulp or high pulp juices, sauces and jams. For everything you want to make. KitchenAid.
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