Lodge L10SC3 Cast Iron Lid, 12-inch

Lodge L10SC3 Cast Iron Lid, 12-inch

Lodge L10SC3 Cast Iron Lid, 12-inch is the most popular goods issued the foregoing workweek. As of advancing you'll find it unequalled innovation , varied and from now on accommodated no more than by yourself . And now there are a wide variety of products it's possible get. Currently the complete item is engineered with the aid of particular materials that have top notch and vogue . Lodge L10SC3 Cast Iron Lid, 12-inch is a best loved pick us . Or even I JUST clearly strongly recommend it. With the international top notch touchstones, thence clearing this product a posh and not surprisingly lasting . While many of united states like the Lodge L10SC3 Cast Iron Lid, 12-inch as many editions of colours , eccentrics , materials .

Pretty much everything is while many planned related to Lodge L10SC3 Cast Iron Lid, 12-inch.


  • 12 inch Cast Iron Lid
  • Pre Seasoned and ready to use “right out of the box”
  • Compatible with the 12-inch Lodge skillet, 5-quart chicken fryer, and 7-quart Dutch oven
  • Side flanges fit perfectly over the skillet pouring spouts
  • Lid is self basting and helps to retain heat, steam and reduce spatters
Lodge L10SC3 Cast Iron Lid, 12-inch Features is very good!


This cover provides self-basting


This cover provides self-basting spikes on the underside that allow the nutrition and flavor in the steam to drip back onto food. Seasoned ready to use. Fits L10SK3 and L10DO3. 12 inch diameterThis 12-inch cast-iron lid comes pre-seasoned (coated with Logic’s own vegetable oil formula and baked in hot industrial ovens) and ready to use; hence, the Logic in the name. Compatible with the 12-inch Lodge skillet, the lid even has two side flanges to cover the skillet’s pouring lips. Excellent at keeping in heat, steam, and splatters, the heavy lid will also fit the 5-quart chicken fryer and the 7-quart Dutch oven. Lodge’s legendary cast-iron cookware will last for generations.--Ann Bieri
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Lodge L10SC3 Cast Iron Lid, 12-inch Discount

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