Pampered Chef Smooth-Edge Can Opener

Pampered Chef Smooth-Edge Can Opener

Pampered Chef Smooth-Edge Can Opener is the most popular goods brought out this week . At the time of promoting its unequaled invention , altered also now accommodated about for you . Now there was a wide selection of items it's possible get. Currently the totally products is engineered if you use special stuffs that really have world class or vogue . Pampered Chef Smooth-Edge Can Opener is a pet pick us . And FREEZING powerfully highly recommend it. With the external world class standards , so making this product a posh or of course long lived. While most sufferers really love currently the Pampered Chef Smooth-Edge Can Opener as a multitude of variations of colors , cases, stuffs.

All of this is while most offered related to Pampered Chef Smooth-Edge Can Opener.


  • Leaves no sharp edges
  • Claw remover lifts the lid easily with the push of a button
  • conveniently opens food cans with pull tabs with the pull tab opener
Pampered Chef Smooth-Edge Can Opener Features is very good!


By cutting the middle of the top


By cutting the middle of the top rim, sharp edges are eliminated and lid will not fall into can. Steel-cutting blade and wheel never touch the food making the can opener easy to keep clean. Durable, break-resistant plastic handles and turn knob for easy handling. Convenient claw lifts lid off can after opening. Includes pull tab opener
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