Panda 5.5 lbs Counter Top Washing machine with Spin basket

Panda 5.5 lbs Counter Top Washing machine with Spin basket

Panda 5.5 lbs Counter Top Washing machine with Spin basket is one of the best goods published this week . At the time of promoting its unique invention , altered now suited only by yourself . And after this on the internet a wide variety of wares you can get. Currently the entire item is constructed using particular stuffs that basically have world class and vogue . Panda 5.5 lbs Counter Top Washing machine with Spin basket is a pet choice some people . And I RECENTLY passionately recommend it. With the international world class touchstones, therefore earning this product a posh and certainly long lasting . While most of folks love currently the Panda 5.5 lbs Counter Top Washing machine with Spin basket as plenty of variants of colours , cases, stuffs.

Pretty much everything is while many proposed related to Panda 5.5 lbs Counter Top Washing machine with Spin basket.


  • Panda is Top Brand in Washing Machine /Dryer Category
  • Provides various choices for your need with excellent quality and customer service
  • Upgraded from XPB25-28A, does more functions, more efficient. Single tub washing machine with spin basket up to 10 minutes (wash) and 5 minutes (spin) with the control timer. Spin dry with the included basket helps to remove excess water
  • XPB27 is up to 6Lbs capacity
  • Ideal for small loads and delicates, such as underwears,socks,T-shirts,towels,etc.
Panda 5.5 lbs Counter Top Washing machine with Spin basket Features is very good!


Newest Model: XPB27. This is a great improvement! It


Newest Model: XPB27. This is a great improvement! It is an upgrade model of Panda XPB25-28A. It has an extra spin basket allows removing of excess water.

No washing machine? Use Panda Mini Portable Washer. BIG BUCKS OFF! No more quarters!

Easy to Use: Just plug it in, fill with laundry article, add soap and water, set the timer and close the lid. Spin Cycle: Insert/lock spin basket, add clean article to basket, set timer. That's it! Please note: spin basket not for permanent installation. Best for light loads.

•Upgraded from XPB25-28A, does more functions, more efficient. Single tub washing machine with spin basket up to 10 minutes (wash) and 5 minutes (spin) with the control timer. Spin dry with the included basket helps to remove excess water.

•Portable and lightweight washing machine goes anywhere

•Ideal for small loads and delicates,such as underwears,socks,T-shirts,towels,etc.

•Perfect for Apartments,Dorms,Travel

•Mini Countertop, Semi Automatic, Note: Spin dry with the included basket helps to remove excess water only.) This is the single tube washing machine, if you are looking for more convenience to do your laundry, you may purchase our Panda twin tub washer with spin dryer.

5.5lbs capacity

0.65 AMP 50HZ 200W

Unit Dimensions (W * D * H):14.2*14*19.3 inch

Master Carton Dimensions (W * D * H): 15.35*14.56*19.68 inch

Unit Weight: 6kg (13.2lbs)

Carton Weight: 7kg (15.4lbs)

6months warranty

Pre-use Caution: Please do not immerse the machine in the water. The motor and the components are at the bottom of the machine. If the water gets into the bottom part, it may ruin the motor and cause the machine malfunction.

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Panda 5.5 lbs Counter Top Washing machine with Spin basket Discount

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