Southern Champion Tray 23133 Paperboard White Lock Corner Window Bakery Box, 19" Length x 14" Width x 4" Height (Case of 50)

Southern Champion Tray 23133 Paperboard White Lock Corner Window Bakery Box, 19" Length x 14" Width x 4" Height (Case of 50)

Southern Champion Tray 23133 Paperboard White Lock Corner Window Bakery Box, 19" Length x 14" Width x 4" Height (Case of 50) is the most popular goods put out the foregoing week . At the time of boosting you'll find it unparalleled invention , varied and fit about for your own benefit . And already on the internet a wide selection of own products you can get. The overall goods is built with the use of special stuffs that basically have top shelf and vogue . Southern Champion Tray 23133 Paperboard White Lock Corner Window Bakery Box, 19" Length x 14" Width x 4" Height (Case of 50) is a favored choice some of us . Or even I MERELY strongly strongly suggest it. With the international top shelf standards , thence gaining this product a swish and needless to say lasting . Some amongst us like the Southern Champion Tray 23133 Paperboard White Lock Corner Window Bakery Box, 19" Length x 14" Width x 4" Height (Case of 50) as so many versions of colours , characters , stuffs.

Considerable time is while most offered to do with Southern Champion Tray 23133 Paperboard White Lock Corner Window Bakery Box, 19" Length x 14" Width x 4" Height (Case of 50).


  • Bakery box is white inside and outside and can be used to hold and carry baked goods
  • White SBS paperboard is thicker and more rigid than paper, and can be recycled or composted
  • Attached lid tucks into box to help secure its contents
  • Cellophane window allows box's contents to be seen
  • Measures 19 x 14 x 4 inches (L x W x H); can be folded flat for storage or transport
Southern Champion Tray 23133 Paperboard White Lock Corner Window Bakery Box, 19" Length x 14" Width x 4" Height (Case of 50) Features is very good!


The Southern Champion Tray 23133 bakery box is made of SBS paperboard, is white on the inside and o


The Southern Champion Tray 23133 bakery box is made of SBS paperboard, is white on the inside and outside, has an attached tuck-in lid and a cellophane window, and can be used to hold and carry baked goods. White SBS (solid bleached sulfate) paperboard is thicker and more rigid than paper, is suitable for holding baked goods, can be recycled or composted, and can be printed with a logo or a business name. The attached lid tucks into the box to help secure its contents. A cellophane window provides a view of the box's contents. The lock corners facilitate assembly and enable the box to be folded flat for storage or transport. The box measures 19 x 14 x 4 inches (L x W x H). (L is length, the horizontal distance from front to back; W is width, the horizontal distance from left to right; H is height, the vertical distance from lowest to highest point.)

Southern Champion Tray manufactures paperboard packaging products. The company, founded 1927, is headquartered in Chattanooga, TN.

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Southern Champion Tray 23133 Paperboard White Lock Corner Window Bakery Box, 19

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