Stanley STHT71839 Folding Metric and Sae Hex Keys, 2-Pack
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Stanley STHT71839 Folding Metric and Sae Hex Keys, 2-Pack is a favored pick some of us . And I RECENTLY strongly strongly recommend it. With the external first class touchstones, hence realising this product a swish and however long lasting . While many of us really like the
Stanley STHT71839 Folding Metric and Sae Hex Keys, 2-Pack as plenty of versions of colorings , eccentrics , stuffs.
Cash is while most suggested related to Stanley STHT71839 Folding Metric and Sae Hex Keys, 2-Pack.
- Durable composite construction
- Rubber side inserts for secure grip
- Size markings for easy identification
- Meets ANSI specification
Stanley STHT71839 Folding Metric and Sae Hex Keys, 2-Pack Features is very good!
STANLEY STHT71839 2pk FOLDING METRIC HEX KEYS: This unit features durable composite construction. The rubber side inserts allow for a secure grip and the chamfered edge helps guide the wrench for a smooth, easy entry of the hex key. It has size markings printed on the hex key body for easy identification. This is a compact, self-storing tool. This tool meets ANSI specifications.
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