Gourmia GSM160 Portable Infusion Smoker Cool Smoke to Enhance Taste Battery Operated Compact & Convenient, Free E-Cookbook Included - 110V

Gourmia GSM160 Portable Infusion Smoker Cool Smoke to Enhance Taste Battery Operated Compact & Convenient, Free E-Cookbook Included - 110V

Gourmia GSM160 Portable Infusion Smoker Cool Smoke to Enhance Taste Battery Operated Compact & Convenient, Free E-Cookbook Included - 110V is my favorite goods published the foregoing workweek. As of furthering you'll find it alone conception, varied and after this suited only for your own use . And appreciate the fact a wide selection of own products you can get. The entirely item is made with the use of special materials that basically have top shelf and trend. Gourmia GSM160 Portable Infusion Smoker Cool Smoke to Enhance Taste Battery Operated Compact & Convenient, Free E-Cookbook Included - 110V is a pet selection us . And I JUST really strongly suggest it. With the international top shelf criteria , so realizing this product a swish and obviously long lived. Some individuals like the Gourmia GSM160 Portable Infusion Smoker Cool Smoke to Enhance Taste Battery Operated Compact & Convenient, Free E-Cookbook Included - 110V as countless variations of colors , characters , materials .

This all is while many consist of regarding Gourmia GSM160 Portable Infusion Smoker Cool Smoke to Enhance Taste Battery Operated Compact & Convenient, Free E-Cookbook Included - 110V.


  • HASSLE FREE - With the Gourmia Portable Infusion Smoker you are minutes away from eating delicious smoked food just grab it, light the wood chips, teas and spices, even hay, dried flowers and herbsto infuse a variety of natural smoky flavors to an array of food and drinks
  • COOL SMOKE- to ensure the taste of your food doesn't get ruined, our state-of-the-art designed fan filters out the heat from the smoke so the smoke is cool when leaving the nozzle and your food stays as you perfected it.
  • BATTERY OPERATED- you should not have to be near an outlet every time you want to get quick fresh smoked food, with the Gourmia Portable Infusion Smoker that's battery operated just press the button and it's working.
  • EASY TO STORAGE- if you like good tasty smoked food that doesn't mean you need a large storage room, garage or shed to store it, with this compact size it doesn't matter the size of your apartment, you can keep it everywhere including cabinet, pantry or anywhere where something small fits.
  • EXPLORE DELICIOUSNESS- to experience a sizzling beef rib steak, well done pork shoulder, tasty pastrami or game birds with a twist, just smoke it grab a beer and enjoy food at its finest.
Gourmia GSM160 Portable Infusion Smoker Cool Smoke to Enhance Taste Battery Operated Compact & Convenient, Free E-Cookbook Included - 110V Features is very good!


Here is what it is inside:
1) heavy duty metal body
2) fan to vitalize the smoke
Please note: Batteries are not included; this machine requires 4 double a batteries.
Warning: never leave the machine unattended while using and never use when the metal chamber or the stainless steel mesh filter is not in place as it will cause harm to the machine.

Here is how we recommend to use it:
Place the batteries on the opposite side of the nuzzle two downwards two upwards close it, put wood chips inside the metal chamber, lit with a match small lighter
Place the batteries on the opposite side of the nuzzle two downwards two upwards close it, put wood chips inside the metal chamber, lit with a match small lighter or a torch, make sure the food is sealed, place the nuzzle inside let the smoke go for 2-3 minutes, extinguish the fire turn off the machine let the smoke set and you are ready to go, enjoy your gourmet smoked food.
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Gourmia GSM160 Portable Infusion Smoker Cool Smoke to Enhance Taste Battery Operated Compact & Convenient, Free E-Cookbook Included - 110V Discount

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