Ka-Bar Tactical Military Sporks - Spoon Fork Knife Combo Set - Camping Hiking Hunting Backpacking Outdoor Survival Multitool Utensil Accessory - 2 Pack

Ka-Bar Tactical Military Sporks - Spoon Fork Knife Combo Set - Camping Hiking Hunting Backpacking Outdoor Survival Multitool Utensil Accessory - 2 Pack

Ka-Bar Tactical Military Sporks - Spoon Fork Knife Combo Set - Camping Hiking Hunting Backpacking Outdoor Survival Multitool Utensil Accessory - 2 Pack is my favorite goods published this week . Since encouraging you'll find it unequalled invention , varied and already suited just about for your own use . And after this there was a wide selection of products you can get. The total collections is engineered by using special stuffs that actually have top notch or even vogue . Ka-Bar Tactical Military Sporks - Spoon Fork Knife Combo Set - Camping Hiking Hunting Backpacking Outdoor Survival Multitool Utensil Accessory - 2 Pack is a favored choice us . Or even I solidly strongly recommend it. With the international top notch measures , thus taking in this product a swish or even obviously long lasting . Some individuals really like the Ka-Bar Tactical Military Sporks - Spoon Fork Knife Combo Set - Camping Hiking Hunting Backpacking Outdoor Survival Multitool Utensil Accessory - 2 Pack as plenty of variations of colorings , eccentrics , stuffs.

Involves is some suggested to do with Ka-Bar Tactical Military Sporks - Spoon Fork Knife Combo Set - Camping Hiking Hunting Backpacking Outdoor Survival Multitool Utensil Accessory - 2 Pack.


  • Included are 2 (two) Ka-Bar Tactical Sporks
  • Tactical Spoon Fork and Serrated Knife All In One
  • Great for Camping, Hiking, Military and Civilians.
  • Handle separates to Remove knife, 2.5 inch serrated knife
  • Overall length: 6.875 inch. Made in the USA
Ka-Bar Tactical Military Sporks - Spoon Fork Knife Combo Set - Camping Hiking Hunting Backpacking Outdoor Survival Multitool Utensil Accessory - 2 Pack Features is very good!


The Tactical Spork, which is made from food and water approved Grilamid, is equipped with a fork/spoon combo and has a serrated knife hidden in the


The Tactical Spork, which is made from food and water approved Grilamid, is equipped with a fork/spoon combo and has a serrated knife hidden in the handle. The knife is accessed by pulling the spork in opposite directions from each extreme end. Hint--avoid gripping the flat panel area in the middle of the Spork--this is actually part of it's lock. The tighter you hold here, the more difficult it will be for you to pull out the knife. The Tactical Spork is 6.875" overall and has a blade length of 2.5". It weights 0.1 Pounds. Made in the USA.
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Ka-Bar Tactical Military Sporks - Spoon Fork Knife Combo Set - Camping Hiking Hunting Backpacking Outdoor Survival Multitool Utensil Accessory - 2 Pack Discount

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