Softalk 00801M

Softalk 00801M

Softalk 00801M is my favorite goods published the foregoing workweek. At the time of promoting you'll find it unique design , altered and now suited just through your own efforts . Now we have seen a wide variety of merchandise you're able get. The whole entire product or service is manufactured with the aid of peculiar materials that have high quality and vogue . Softalk 00801M is a best loved selection some people . And I firmly recommend it. With the international high quality criteria , thus gaining this product a classy and as you can imagine lasting . While many individuals really love the Softalk 00801M as many variants of colorings , characters , materials .

Pretty much everything is some consist of regarding Softalk 00801M.


  • Extra deep ergo-grip shoulder pocket provides relief to your neck and shoulder when talking on the phone with the comfortable, cushioned non-slip black plastic that keeps your hands free
  • Includes Microban antimicrobial protection to help keep your shoulder rest clean
  • Fits most black contour back phones and mounts easily with self-adhesive back
  • Perfect for fast paced environments, the Softalk II Ergo-Grip Shoulder Rest allows for quicker responses than putting on a headset
  • Designed to help alleviate neck and shoulder fatigue often associated with cradling phone handsets between the shoulder, neck and ear
Softalk 00801M Features is very good!


Keep your h


Keep your hands free when talking on the phone, reduce fatigue and provide comfortable cushioned relief to your shoulder, neck and ear. The extra deep Ergo-Grip shoulder pocket is designed to hold the shoulder more securely and will fit most black contour back phones. The shoulder rest attaches with self-adhesive back and the non-slip black plastic rest includes Microban antimicrobial product protection.
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