Top Shelf Flasks Stainless Steel Flask & Funnel Set, 8 oz

Top Shelf Flasks Stainless Steel Flask & Funnel Set, 8 oz

Top Shelf Flasks Stainless Steel Flask & Funnel Set, 8 oz is the most popular goods published the foregoing week . By boosting you'll find it unparalleled invention , changed and after this suited no more than for yourself . And here there have been a wide selection of products you can get. Currently the totally item is designed by using particular stuffs that basically have great and trend. Top Shelf Flasks Stainless Steel Flask & Funnel Set, 8 oz is a preferent pick some people . Or I MERELY highly strongly suggest it. With the external great standards , thus realising this product a classy and of course long lasting . Alot of of us love currently the Top Shelf Flasks Stainless Steel Flask & Funnel Set, 8 oz as many editions of colorings , cases, stuffs.

This is while most planned about Top Shelf Flasks Stainless Steel Flask & Funnel Set, 8 oz.


  • 8oz Stainless Steel Flask and Funnel in Plain Black Gift Box
  • Easy Pour Funnel is Included
  • Laser Welded for a Leak Proof Seal, Lifetime Warranty
  • Makes a Great Gift, Especially for Groomsman!
  • Screw Down Cap Attached to the Flask so it Cannot be Lost
Top Shelf Flasks Stainless Steel Flask & Funnel Set, 8 oz Features is very good!


Stainless Steel Flask and Funnel. Wholesale stainless st


Stainless Steel Flask and Funnel. Wholesale stainless steel 8oz hip flask and funnel set. This 2-piece discount set has many features. The main feature is the stainless steel metal used to fabricate the product. It also features a screw-down cap which is soldered on to the top of the body and attached by rivets so it stays with the flask when opened so it can't be lost. The flask measures 4-3/4" from top to bottom and the width is 3-5/8" which makes it small enough to carry on your person with you to different functions. Before you get to your destination pouring your favorite liquor into the flask is made easy via the stainless steel flask funnel which makes pouring a cinch. The funnel itself measures 7/8 in length and has a diameter of 1-1/4in which is wide enough for most spouts on bottles to fit into which makes this virtually spill-proof. This set comes gift boxed which makes this a great gift for the groomsmen in a wedding or for that special someone who enjoys their liquor. Our flasks are individually leak tested for quality assurance! Limited lifetime warranty. Gift box in black box. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Your stainless steel flask is specifically designed to carry alcoholic drinks. It should not be used for beverages with an acid content, such as fruit juices and cordials. The flask will provide years of pleasure if you follow a few simple guidelines: 1. Rinse the inside with clean, soapy water before filling the flask for the first time. 2. Always empty the flask after use and rinse thoroughly before refilling. 3. Do not keep alcohol in the flask longer than a period of 3 days. Refill only when you are about to use the flask. Suggested retail price: .95 0.65 pounds each
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Top Shelf Flasks Stainless Steel Flask & Funnel Set, 8 oz Discount

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