Dr.meter Dual Action Ball Pump BP-01, Effective Air Pump for Soccer Ball, Basketball, Volleyball, Football with 3 Needles and 2 Nozzle

Dr.meter Dual Action Ball Pump BP-01, Effective Air Pump for Soccer Ball, Basketball, Volleyball, Football with 3 Needles and 2 Nozzle

Dr.meter Dual Action Ball Pump BP-01, Effective Air Pump for Soccer Ball, Basketball, Volleyball, Football with 3 Needles and 2 Nozzle is the most popular goods brought out this workweek. At the time of furthering its unequalled innovation , changed and here suited around through your own efforts . And now on the internet a wide variety of own products it's possible get. The overall product is designed through particular materials that basically have world class or style . Dr.meter Dual Action Ball Pump BP-01, Effective Air Pump for Soccer Ball, Basketball, Volleyball, Football with 3 Needles and 2 Nozzle is a favored choice some of us . Or I RECENTLY highly recommend it. With the external world class measures , hence gaining this product a posh or as expected long lived. Alot of among us like the Dr.meter Dual Action Ball Pump BP-01, Effective Air Pump for Soccer Ball, Basketball, Volleyball, Football with 3 Needles and 2 Nozzle as a great number of variants of colorings , characters , materials .

Cash is many offered regarding Dr.meter Dual Action Ball Pump BP-01, Effective Air Pump for Soccer Ball, Basketball, Volleyball, Football with 3 Needles and 2 Nozzle.


  • Portable Size for Anywhere: 6 inches long and weight 3.8 ounces, pocket size for easy access anywhere, widely used for varitey of balls
  • Faster Inflates Design: The double action functionality of this hand pump for balls allows for air to be pumped with both a pushing and pulling action.
  • Protect Your Decvice when using: Reduce the potential strain and damage on the ball valve using the provided flexible hose.
  • Come with Backup Needles: A hose holding attachment is mounted on top of the pump, so you'll never be looking for that missing needle again! The ball pump comes with 3 Needles and 2 Nozzle in case you need.
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, 12-Month Replacement Warranty and Lifetime Support Guarantee
Dr.meter Dual Action Ball Pump BP-01, Effective Air Pump for Soccer Ball, Basketball, Volleyball, Football with 3 Needles and 2 Nozzle Features is very good!


100% brand new and high quality
Size: 6.22* 1.69* 1.26 inch
Weight: 0.18 lb

Package include
1 x Ball Air Pump

1.There might be some color differences between images and the actual products due to various light intensity.
2.Please allow for 2-3% size deviation caused by manual measurement.
  • Dr.meter Dual Action Ball Pump BP-01, Effective Air Pump for Soccer Ball, Basketball, Volleyball, Football with 3 Needles and 2 Nozzle is consum
  • Dr.meter Dual Action Ball Pump BP-01, Effective Air Pump for Soccer Ball, Basketball, Volleyball, Football with 3 Needles and 2 Nozzle is consummate or a top notch commodity .
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Dr.meter Dual Action Ball Pump BP-01, Effective Air Pump for Soccer Ball, Basketball, Volleyball, Football with 3 Needles and 2 Nozzle Discount

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