Lovatic Poultry Water Nipple - Chicken Nipple With Horizontal Side Mount - Chicken Water Drinker - Pack of 10

Lovatic Poultry Water Nipple - Chicken Nipple With Horizontal Side Mount - Chicken Water Drinker - Pack of 10

Lovatic Poultry Water Nipple - Chicken Nipple With Horizontal Side Mount - Chicken Water Drinker - Pack of 10 is the best goods released this workweek. As of encouraging you'll find it unequaled design , changed and now suited no more than for your own use . And already there was a wide selection of items you're able get. The overall goods is made with the use of special materials that have first class and style . Lovatic Poultry Water Nipple - Chicken Nipple With Horizontal Side Mount - Chicken Water Drinker - Pack of 10 is a favored choice some of us . And WE highly strongly suggest it. With the outside first class criteria , thence taking in this product a swish and of course lasting . Many of people like currently the Lovatic Poultry Water Nipple - Chicken Nipple With Horizontal Side Mount - Chicken Water Drinker - Pack of 10 as countless editions of colorings , cases, materials .

All this is some consist of to do with Lovatic Poultry Water Nipple - Chicken Nipple With Horizontal Side Mount - Chicken Water Drinker - Pack of 10.


  • IMPROVED MATERIAL -- Made from ABS plastic material, the horizontal side mount is stronger and thinker so that the chicken nipple is more durable to provide always-fresh water to your flock, keep water free of dirt and droppings. The poultry nipples are suit for chicken, ducks, quail and others.
  • NO MORE LEAKAGE -- By following our installation guidline, you will be no longer to worry about leaking with chicken water drinker. This is very quick and simple way to keep poultry watered. It work perfectly for chickens aged 2 weeks and older. It is recommended to use ONE poultry nipple for each of 5 chicken but just 4 in the hot seasons.
  • LONGER METAL PART -- This is an ideal improvement to help your chicken quickly learn to drink from chicken nipples. Chicken drink from special valve which release water directly into chickens mouth when it packs at the valve. No more hanging your waterer and no more daily water bucket cleaning.
  • DETAILED MANUAL INSTRUCTION -- Not only providing a well-made guideline on how to install nipple drinker, but also giving you professional TIPs to backyard poultry more pleasant. Important - poultry water nipples require a low-pressure water source. If connecting to household water lines, a pressure regulator must be used.
  • LIFETIME MANUFACTURER'S GUARANTEE -- We are confident to offer the best quality to our customers in terms of product and service. If you are not completely satisfied with our chicken nipple, we will refund your purchase with no exception! We have upgraded the material for the better product and prevent counterfeit ones. Be assured that REGIROCK is the SOLE distributor of the Lovatic Poultry Water Nipple.
Lovatic Poultry Water Nipple - Chicken Nipple With Horizontal Side Mount - Chicken Water Drinker - Pack of 10 Features is very good!


Do you know how Lovatic Poultry Nipples Work?


Poultry n


Do you know how Lovatic Poultry Nipples Work?


Poultry nipples, sometimes called chicken nipples, are one-way valves that allows water to flow out, but don't allow air or other materials to flow in.  As a result, the chickens water supply can't be contaminated by dirt and droppings.


The Lovatic Poultry nipples operate as follows: 

  1. When a chicken pecks at a stem on the bottom of the poultry nipple, it rises up and causes a gap to form between an interior wall of the nipple and the stem. 
  2. This allows water to flow around the stem and out through the bottom of the valve. 
  3. When a chicken withdraws it's beak, the stem falls, closes the gap between the side wall of the poultry nipple and the stem, and shuts off the flow of water. 

 The Lovatic poultry nipple chicken waterer is designed for small-scale chicken keepers, but incorporates many of the benefits of large-scale commercial poultry watering systems.


The Lovatic Poultry Water Nipple is On Sale for a Limited Time Only!

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Lovatic Poultry Water Nipple - Chicken Nipple With Horizontal Side Mount - Chicken Water Drinker - Pack of 10 Discount

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