BINHAI 20-Pack Car Diffuser Sponges Refill Sticks Filter Wick Replacements, Absorbent sponge sticks, 2.75 X 0.31 Inch for Car Humidifier Diffuser and Mini Humidifier Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser

BINHAI 20-Pack Car Diffuser Sponges Refill Sticks Filter Wick Replacements, Absorbent sponge sticks, 2.75 X 0.31 Inch for Car Humidifier Diffuser and Mini Humidifier Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser

BINHAI 20-Pack Car Diffuser Sponges Refill Sticks Filter Wick Replacements, Absorbent sponge sticks, 2.75 X 0.31 Inch for Car Humidifier Diffuser and Mini Humidifier Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser is one of the best goods released the foregoing workweek. As of promoting you'll find it unique innovation , altered and then fit no more than through your own efforts . And now on the internet a wide selection of products it's possible to get. Currently the entirely item is manufactured while using special materials that basically have first rate or even style . BINHAI 20-Pack Car Diffuser Sponges Refill Sticks Filter Wick Replacements, Absorbent sponge sticks, 2.75 X 0.31 Inch for Car Humidifier Diffuser and Mini Humidifier Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser is a preferent pick us . Or even WE firmly strongly suggest it. With the international first rate criteria , thence realising this product a posh or even certainly long lasting . While many sufferers really love currently the BINHAI 20-Pack Car Diffuser Sponges Refill Sticks Filter Wick Replacements, Absorbent sponge sticks, 2.75 X 0.31 Inch for Car Humidifier Diffuser and Mini Humidifier Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser as many versions of colours , eccentrics , materials .

This all is alot of suggested to do with BINHAI 20-Pack Car Diffuser Sponges Refill Sticks Filter Wick Replacements, Absorbent sponge sticks, 2.75 X 0.31 Inch for Car Humidifier Diffuser and Mini Humidifier Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser.


  • 20-pack Car Humidifier Diffuser replacement sticks, Size: 2.75 inch * 0.31 inch; Color: White
  • Compatible for all car humidifier diffuser that are the same as the picture, like brand "nanum", can suit every humidifier like.
  • Usually 1 to 2 weeks, replace the filter, or easy to connect the machine. If you regularly use essential oils, need to replace 3 - 6 days.
  • Each Pack 20 filters under normal circumstances can be used for a long time.
  • Please Note: This filter is for nanum Car Humidifier Special
BINHAI 20-Pack Car Diffuser Sponges Refill Sticks Filter Wick Replacements, Absorbent sponge sticks, 2.75 X 0.31 Inch for Car Humidifier Diffuser and Mini Humidifier Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser Features is very good!



1. Material: Cotton
2. Color: White
3. Size: 2.75 inch * 0.31 inch.
4. To see a better performance,we advise user to soak it to be wet completely before inserting to the humidifier and turning it on.
5. Nota: Este filtro es for nanum coche Car humidificador special
  • BINHAI 20-Pack Car Diffuser Sponges Refill Sticks Filter Wick Replacements, Absorbent sponge sticks, 2.75 X 0.31 Inch for Car Humidifier Diffuser and Mini Humidifier Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser is masterl
  • BINHAI 20-Pack Car Diffuser Sponges Refill Sticks Filter Wick Replacements, Absorbent sponge sticks, 2.75 X 0.31 Inch for Car Humidifier Diffuser and Mini Humidifier Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser is masterly or even a quality commodity .
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BINHAI 20-Pack Car Diffuser Sponges Refill Sticks Filter Wick Replacements, Absorbent sponge sticks, 2.75 X 0.31 Inch for Car Humidifier Diffuser and Mini Humidifier Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser Discount

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