Instant Pot Accessories 3 qt Mini Stackable Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker Insert Pans with Sling Handle includes 3 Pans with 2 Regular Cooking Pans and 1 Steamer Pan by Chiboz Cookware

Instant Pot Accessories 3 qt Mini Stackable Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker Insert Pans with Sling Handle includes 3 Pans with 2 Regular Cooking Pans and 1 Steamer Pan by Chiboz Cookware

Instant Pot Accessories 3 qt Mini Stackable Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker Insert Pans with Sling Handle includes 3 Pans with 2 Regular Cooking Pans and 1 Steamer Pan by Chiboz Cookware is one of the best goods published this workweek. Since encouraging its alone excogitation , altered and today fit just around for your own benefit . Now we have seen a wide selection of own products you can get. Currently the whole item is manufactured if you use particular materials that basically have highly rated and style . Instant Pot Accessories 3 qt Mini Stackable Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker Insert Pans with Sling Handle includes 3 Pans with 2 Regular Cooking Pans and 1 Steamer Pan by Chiboz Cookware is a pet selection some people . Or I clearly highly recommend it. With the international highly rated measures , thence bringing in this product a posh and obviously durable . Some amongst us love currently the Instant Pot Accessories 3 qt Mini Stackable Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker Insert Pans with Sling Handle includes 3 Pans with 2 Regular Cooking Pans and 1 Steamer Pan by Chiboz Cookware as so many versions of colourings, characters , materials .

Doing this is while many planned related to Instant Pot Accessories 3 qt Mini Stackable Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker Insert Pans with Sling Handle includes 3 Pans with 2 Regular Cooking Pans and 1 Steamer Pan by Chiboz Cookware.


  • MULTI FUNCTIONALITY: Two tier stackable stainless steel insert pans allow you to cook a variety of foods simultaneously for efficient usage of limited space in the pressure cookers. Steamer Pan is ideal for steaming vegetable, egg etc. The regular pans are perfect for rice, beans, chicken and also be used as a dessert pan to make cheesecake. The complete set is intended for Pot in Pot PIP cooking. Great for storing food.
  • ACCESSORY PACKAGE KIT: The set includes 2 Regular and 1 Steamer with holes. The handle is multi purpose. It can be used to hold the pans or any other accessory like spring form cake pan. The steamer pan can also act as a steamer basket and this entire set will enable you to try all your instant pot recipes in one go. In a 3 qt Instant Pot any 2 of them can be stacked at a time. Only product in the market designed to perform all these multiple functions to make the best use of your IP
  • FOOD GRADE STAINLESS STEEL: The stackable steamer insert set is built with durable high-quality food-grade stainless steel to promote healthy cooking
  • FITS 3 Qt Mini COOKER - The Chiboz Cookware stainless steel cooker insert are compatible with 3 qt mini. Steamer pan could be used in a time saving mode(please read product description below) 6 qt users can use the product as 3 tier without the interlocking handle.
  • 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE - Chiboz Cookware products come with total satisfaction guarantee, in the unlikely event if you are not happy with our product.
Instant Pot Accessories 3 qt Mini Stackable Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker Insert Pans with Sling Handle includes 3 Pans with 2 Regular Cooking Pans and 1 Steamer Pan by Chiboz Cookware Features is very good!


Chiboz Cookware Stackable Pans Set comprises of

1. Two stackable regular cooking pans with vent holes
2. One steamer pan
3. Interlocking handle to bind and lift the stacked pans
4. Lid with a knob for easy handling
5. Instruction leaflet

The combination of 2 regular cooking and 1 steamer pan can be used in a variety of modes as below

Time Saving Mode in 3 qt pressure cookers - 2 tiers

Most stackable pans in the market increase the pot-in-pot cooking times thus defeating the purpose of energy and time savings got thru pressure cooking. Chiboz Cookware has introduced the steamer pans to solve this

1. Place the regular pan at the bottom with the food that requires cooking
2. Stack the steamer pan on the top (steam vegetables, eggs etc)

Tip: Use the interlocking handle and not the trivet that comes with the cooker. Please use both hands while placing in and taking out the stacked pans from the inner pot to avoid spillage of liquids or foods from the pans.

Flavor Separating Mode in 3 qt pressure cookers - 2 tiers

1.Stack the two regular pans with contents in such a way as the food in the bottom pan will cook faster than the food in the top pan

You can pressure cook 2 foods at a time without mixing the flavors but this mode does not save time

Maximum Space Use Mode in 3 qt and 6 qt pressure cookers - 3 tiers

1. Stack the 2 regular pans with contents in such a way as bottom pan will cook faster than the top pan
2. Stack the steamer pan on top of the 2 regular pans

You can pressure cook 3 foods at a time
Important:Close the top pan with the lid provided to avoid the chance of any food getting stuck inside the valves
  • Instant Pot Accessories 3 qt Mini Stackable Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker Insert P
Important:Close the top pan with the lid provided to avoid the chance of any food getting stuck inside the valves
  • Instant Pot Accessories 3 qt Mini Stackable Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker Insert Pans with Sling Handle includes 3 Pans with 2 Regular Cooking Pans and 1 Steamer Pan by Chiboz Cookware is masterful and a high quality inventory .
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Instant Pot Accessories 3 qt Mini Stackable Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker Insert Pans with Sling Handle includes 3 Pans with 2 Regular Cooking Pans and 1 Steamer Pan by Chiboz Cookware Discount

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