Mighty Max Battery 12V 12AH Replacement Battery for Kid Trax Avigo Mini Cooper brand product

Mighty Max Battery 12V 12AH Replacement Battery for Kid Trax Avigo Mini Cooper brand product

Mighty Max Battery 12V 12AH Replacement Battery for Kid Trax Avigo Mini Cooper brand product is the most popular goods put out this week . By furthering its unparalleled conception, changed and then fit a maximum of through your own efforts . And now there have been a wide selection of own products you're able get. The entire items is engineered while using peculiar materials that have top ranking or even vogue . Mighty Max Battery 12V 12AH Replacement Battery for Kid Trax Avigo Mini Cooper brand product is a favorite selection some people . And I JUST NOW ardently highly recommend it. With the outside top ranking measures , hence clearing this product a swish or even however long lasting . Many folks really like the Mighty Max Battery 12V 12AH Replacement Battery for Kid Trax Avigo Mini Cooper brand product as a lot of editions of colours , eccentrics , materials .

This all is while most suggested to do with Mighty Max Battery 12V 12AH Replacement Battery for Kid Trax Avigo Mini Cooper brand product.


  • Rechargeable battery that can be mounted in any position, resists shocks and vibration. Long lasting high performance in high and low temperatures.
  • ML12-12F2 SLA is a 12V 12AH Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) rechargeable maintenance free battery.
  • SLA / AGM spill proof battery has a characteristic of high discharge rate, wide operating temperatures, long service life and deep discharge recover.
  • Backed by a 30 day refund policy and full 1 year warranty.
  • Dimensions: 5.94 inches x 3.88 inches x 4.00 inches. Terminal: F2. Listing is for the Battery only. No wire harness or mounting accessories included.
Mighty Max Battery 12V 12AH Replacement Battery for Kid Trax Avigo Mini Cooper brand product Features is very good!


Delivering power when you need it, the Mighty Max ML12-12F2 12 Volt 12 AH uses a state of the art, heavy-duty, calcium-alloy grid that provides exceptional performance and service life in both float and cyclic applications.
The ML12-12F2 is an Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) technology with a valve regulated design, that can be used in enclosed and indoor environments without leaking or maintenance, providing a superior performance for thousands of models.
Mighty Max SLA batteries are utilized in a wide variety of applications including; Consumer Electronics, Electric Vehicles, Engine Starters, Golf Carts, Hunting, Lawn and Garden Tools, Medical Mobility, Motorcycles, Power sports, Portable Tools, Solar, Toys and Hobby, Access Control Devices, Emergency Lighting, Security and more.
Voltage: 12 Volt
Amperage: 12 AH
Chemistry: SLA, AGM
Terminal: F2
Battery Dimensions: 
5.94 in x 3.88 in x 4.00 in
Weight: 8.38 Lbs
1 Year
Genuine Mighty Max battery Product
  • Mighty Max Battery 12V 12AH Replacement Battery for Kid Trax Avigo Mi
Genuine Mighty Max battery Product
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Mighty Max Battery 12V 12AH Replacement Battery for Kid Trax Avigo Mini Cooper brand product Discount

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