100% Pure Flax Linen Bath Towel 25"x 52"

100% Pure Flax Linen Bath Towel 25"x 52"

100% Pure Flax Linen Bath Towel 25"x 52" is one of the best goods brought out this week . At the time of advancing its unparalleled design , changed and accommodated no more than through your own efforts . And on the internet a wide selection of own products you're able get. The entirely product or service is made currency peculiar stuffs that really have quality or even trend. 100% Pure Flax Linen Bath Towel 25"x 52" is a favourite selection many of us. And FREEZING passionately highly recommend it. With the outside quality standards , so realising this product a posh or even as expected durable . While many sufferers love currently the 100% Pure Flax Linen Bath Towel 25"x 52" as so many editions of colours , cases, stuffs.

This is while most consist of regarding 100% Pure Flax Linen Bath Towel 25"x 52".


  • 100% Pure Linen Sauna/Bath Towel 25"x 52" High Absorbent, Compact, Travel-Friendly,Yoga, Fitness, Gym Towel
  • We are excited to introduce our brand's newest product, the 100% flax linen sauna/bath towel.
  • it's perfect for virtually any setting, whether you are at the beach, sauna, spa, or in the convenience of your home. Aside from gaining all of linen's health benefits discussed on our website, you will find the bath towel to be a completely different experience.
  • Being the most absorbent fabric, linen quickly absorbs water upon first contact with the skin and rids you of the need to press or rub excessively. Sofia's Linen natural color bath towels are beautifully designed with two handmade hemstitch elements to enhance your bathroom décor with a luxurious look.
  • Thermo-regulating - warm in winter, cool in summer
100% Pure Flax Linen Bath Towel 25"x 52" Features is very good!


We are excited to introduce our brand


We are excited to introduce our brand's newest product, the 100% flax linen sauna/bath towel. With its dimensions of25'' X 52''(63 X 132cm), it's perfect for virtually any setting, whether you are at the beach, sauna, spa, or in the convenience of your home. Aside from gaining all of linen's health benefits discussed on our website, you will find the bath towel to be a completely different experience. Being the most absorbent fabric, linen quickly absorbs water upon first contact with the skin and rids you of the need to press or rub excessively. Sofia's Linen natural color bath towels are beautifully designed with two handmade hemstitch elements to enhance your bathroom décor with a luxurious look.
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100% Pure Flax Linen Bath Towel 25

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