Dash Cam Mirror Mount - Fits Falcon F170HD,Rexing V1, Z-Edge, Old Shark, YI, Amebay,KDLINKS X1,VANTRUE and Most Other Dash Cameras

Dash Cam Mirror Mount - Fits Falcon F170HD,Rexing V1, Z-Edge, Old Shark, YI, Amebay,KDLINKS X1,VANTRUE and Most Other Dash Cameras

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Cash is alot of recommended to do with Dash Cam Mirror Mount - Fits Falcon F170HD,Rexing V1, Z-Edge, Old Shark, YI, Amebay,KDLINKS X1,VANTRUE and Most Other Dash Cameras.


  • Buy one dash cam, buy one dash cam mirror mount. MUST HAVE for dash cam!
  • New 7 different joints kit suitable for most car dash cam on the market, include Rexing V1, Z Edge,Falcon F170, Old Shark, YI, Amebay, KDLINKS X1, VANTRUE and other hot selling dash cam.
  • Mount your dash cam behind car rearview mirror, provides better drivers' view. Real 360 degree rotation design, adjust to any angle you want.
  • Exclusive 9.70mm ultra-slim design SnakeMount, suitable for most car rear view mirror.100 percent sturdy dash cam mirror mounting solution.
  • Heat-resistant. Never fall off the windshield. Never.
Dash Cam Mirror Mount - Fits Falcon F170HD,Rexing V1, Z-Edge, Old Shark, YI, Amebay,KDLINKS X1,VANTRUE and Most Other Dash Cameras Features is very good!


AmorTek,Delight Your Ride

Patent Snake Mount for Dash Cam/GPS

9.7mm Ultra-slim body with 5 different joints, suitable for most rear view mirror and most dash cam. Real 360 degree rotation, available to adjust to any angle you want. Environmental silicone rubber pad, anti-slip and anti-shake. Never fall off the windshield like the suction cup holder
  • Dash Cam Mirror Mount - Fits Falcon F170HD,Rexing V1, Z-Edge, Old Shark, YI, Amebay,KDLINKS X1,VANTRUE and Most Other Dash Cameras is masterl
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Dash Cam Mirror Mount - Fits Falcon F170HD,Rexing V1, Z-Edge, Old Shark, YI, Amebay,KDLINKS X1,VANTRUE and Most Other Dash Cameras Discount

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