Intex 28635EG Krystal Clear Cartridge Filter Pump for Above Ground Pools, 1500 GPH Pump Flow Rate, 110-120V with GFCI

Intex 28635EG Krystal Clear Cartridge Filter Pump for Above Ground Pools, 1500 GPH Pump Flow Rate, 110-120V with GFCI

Intex 28635EG Krystal Clear Cartridge Filter Pump for Above Ground Pools, 1500 GPH Pump Flow Rate, 110-120V with GFCI is the most popular goods released the foregoing workweek. At the time of furthering its unequaled design , varied and here accommodated just about through your own efforts . And here there is a wide variety of products it's possible get. The total gifts is built using special materials that basically have first rate or even vogue . Intex 28635EG Krystal Clear Cartridge Filter Pump for Above Ground Pools, 1500 GPH Pump Flow Rate, 110-120V with GFCI is a preferent choice some of us . Or even I highly strongly recommend it. With the outside first rate touchstones, so realising this product a posh or even as you can imagine long lived. Many of united states really like currently the Intex 28635EG Krystal Clear Cartridge Filter Pump for Above Ground Pools, 1500 GPH Pump Flow Rate, 110-120V with GFCI as a great number of editions of colourings, eccentrics , materials .

Doing this is while most recommended related to Intex 28635EG Krystal Clear Cartridge Filter Pump for Above Ground Pools, 1500 GPH Pump Flow Rate, 110-120V with GFCI.


  • Specially designed for above ground pools. For use with Intex Easy Set pool models 18', Frame pool models 16' or 18', Oval Frame pool models 20' X 12'.
  • Easy installation - just attach hoses and plug in (Partial assembly required).
  • System flow rate: 1,180 gph (2,839 lph). Pump flow rate: 1,500 gph (3,785 lph)
  • Double insulated pump. Auto timer with preset 2 to 12 hour cycles.
  • Air release valve for air trapper inside filter chamber. Sediment flush valve.
  • Includes one easy to clean, replaceable filter cartridge. For best results, replace filter cartridge every 2 weeks. Replacement cartridge: Type A/C.
  • Note: plunger valves and 1 ½" (38mm) inlet/outlet fittings not included.
Intex 28635EG Krystal Clear Cartridge Filter Pump for Above Ground Pools, 1500 GPH Pump Flow Rate, 110-120V with GFCI Features is very good!


Keep your pool water Krystal Clear and refreshing this summer with the Intex 1,500 GPH Filter Cartridge Pump! Boas


Keep your pool water Krystal Clear and refreshing this summer with the Intex 1,500 GPH Filter Cartridge Pump! Boasting a pump flow rate of 1,500 gallons per hour and a system flow rate of 1,180 gallons per hour, this pump will circulate and filter the water in your above ground pool to keep everything clean, refreshing, and fun. In addition, the maintenance for this pump is a breeze: just the occasional cartridge rinse or swap to keep this pump running strong. This filter uses Type A filter cartridges (Item #29000E) which should be changed every couple of weeks. This pump is a must have for any above ground pool up to 18 feet in diameter, see for yourself! Lastly, this pump features a built-in timer to set the operating time, making it incredibly simple and convenient to use. NOTE: If the pump will not start at all, check the GFCI outlet on the plug to ensure it has been properly reset for use and check that the GFCI is not being plugged into an extension cord. Refer to page 13 in manual (Other content) for troubleshooting steps.
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Intex 28635EG Krystal Clear Cartridge Filter Pump for Above Ground Pools, 1500 GPH Pump Flow Rate, 110-120V with GFCI Discount

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