JETech Case for Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s, Shock-Absorption Bumper Cover, Anti-Scratch Clear Back, HD Clear

JETech Case for Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s, Shock-Absorption Bumper Cover, Anti-Scratch Clear Back, HD Clear

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This all is alot of proposed to do with JETech Case for Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s, Shock-Absorption Bumper Cover, Anti-Scratch Clear Back, HD Clear.


  • Designed for Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s 4.7 Inch
  • Made with PC and TPU. Slim design. Ultra transparent and scratch-resistant back, UV resistance and anti-yellow
  • Raised bezels to offer protection for screen and camera. Unique shock-absorption design: 4 corners effectively absorb shocks
  • Easy access to all the controls and features; Perfect cutouts for speakers, camera and other ports
  • Package includes: iPhone 6/6s case, life-time warranty card
JETech Case for Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s, Shock-Absorption Bumper Cover, Anti-Scratch Clear Back, HD Clear Features is very good!


JETech iPhone 6S Shock-Absorption Bumper and Anti-Scratch Back Case
  • JETech Case for Apple iPhone 6


JETech iPhone 6S Shock-Absorption Bumper and Anti-Scratch Back Case
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JETech Case for Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s, Shock-Absorption Bumper Cover, Anti-Scratch Clear Back, HD Clear Discount

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