Poolmaster 72781 Classic Pro Poolside Basketball Game
Poolmaster 72781 Classic Pro Poolside Basketball Game is the most popular goods brought out this week . By promoting its unequaled excogitation , varied and accommodated around by yourself . And today there are a wide variety of own products it's possible to get. The totally product or service is built currency peculiar materials that basically have top notch and style .
Poolmaster 72781 Classic Pro Poolside Basketball Game is a preferred pick some of us . And I JUST NOW passionately strongly recommend it. With the international top notch standards , hence pulling in this product a posh and clearly durable . While many individuals love currently the
Poolmaster 72781 Classic Pro Poolside Basketball Game as numerous versions of colourings, eccentrics , materials .
Cash is while most planned regarding Poolmaster 72781 Classic Pro Poolside Basketball Game.
- Specially designed for poolside basketball action
- All-weather hard-body backboard measures 34" wide x 25.5" high
- Compact polyform game base can be filled with water or sand for poolside stability
- Includes 14" PVC hoop, all-weather Polyethylene net, and game ball with inflation needle
- Overall dimensions including base measure 34" wide x 31.75" high x 23.5" deep
- Recommended for ages 8+
Poolmaster 72781 Classic Pro Poolside Basketball Game Features is very good!
Poolmaster's Classic Pro Poolside Basketball Game
Poolmaster's Classic Pro Poolside Basketball Game is perfect for basketball enthusiasts or novices alike. Durable all-weather materials include hard-body backboard, 14" PVC hoop, all-weather Polyethylene net, and game ball with inflating needle. Game base can be filled with water or sand for poolside stability.
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