SMARTRO ST59 Meat Thermometer Instant Read Food Thermometer Digital Cooking Thermometer for Oven, Kitchen, Grilling, Smoker with Timer Alert 2 Probes

SMARTRO ST59 Meat Thermometer Instant Read Food Thermometer Digital Cooking Thermometer for Oven, Kitchen, Grilling, Smoker with Timer Alert 2 Probes

SMARTRO ST59 Meat Thermometer Instant Read Food Thermometer Digital Cooking Thermometer for Oven, Kitchen, Grilling, Smoker with Timer Alert 2 Probes is one of the best goods published this week . At the time of promoting you'll find it unequalled conception, varied also now accommodated just around for your self. And from now on there is a wide variety of wares you're able get. The total collections is made using peculiar materials that have first rate or vogue . SMARTRO ST59 Meat Thermometer Instant Read Food Thermometer Digital Cooking Thermometer for Oven, Kitchen, Grilling, Smoker with Timer Alert 2 Probes is a best loved selection some of us . Or I MERELY solidly strongly suggest it. With the outside first rate measures , therefore earning this product a posh or of course long lived. Alot of people like the SMARTRO ST59 Meat Thermometer Instant Read Food Thermometer Digital Cooking Thermometer for Oven, Kitchen, Grilling, Smoker with Timer Alert 2 Probes as plenty of editions of colors , eccentrics , materials .

Considerable time is while many recommended to do with SMARTRO ST59 Meat Thermometer Instant Read Food Thermometer Digital Cooking Thermometer for Oven, Kitchen, Grilling, Smoker with Timer Alert 2 Probes.


  • COLOR DISPLAY & TOUCH SCREEN: Easy to tell the temperature, readout with backlit display in the dim light. With two STRONG MAGNETS and a STAND on the back, this grill thermometer can be attached on the fridge, oven, smoker etc. or be put on the table with a stand.
  • ACCURATE THERMOMETER & TIMER: The thermometer will beep when the probe hits the set temperature. FAHRENHEIT DEFAULT SETTING but can be switched to Celsius simply by pressing "S/S". The temperature display reads "LLL" if the probe isn't plugged in. The temperature display reads "HHH" if the temperature is higher than 482°F.
  • PRESET & CUSTOM TEMPERATURE: 8 Types of Preset Meats: beef, lamb, veal, fish, chicken, turkey, pork and burger. 5 Levels of Preset Doneness: well done, medium well, medium, medium rare and rare. Press and hold "S/S" for a few seconds to make a custom temperature if you can't find a perfect temperature for your food.
  • BBQ GRILLING OVEN PROBE: The food grade stainless thermometer probe can be used when grilling, baking, roasting, frying, smoking, and BBQ, etc. The range of the stainless steel probe is from 32°F to 482°F (0°C to 250°C).
  • PACKAGE CONTENTS: 1 × Touchscreen Indoor & Outdoor Cooking Thermometer, 2 × Food Grade Stainless Steel Probes (one probe is a backup, 2 probes cannot be used simultaneously) and 1 × Instruction manual
SMARTRO ST59 Meat Thermometer Instant Read Food Thermometer Digital Cooking Thermometer for Oven, Kitchen, Grilling, Smoker with Timer Alert 2 Probes Features is very good!


Get ready for a perfectly cooked meal with this cooking thermometer!

Use it when grilling, baking, roasting, frying, smoking, BBQ, etc.

8 Types of Preset Meats:
Beef, lamb, veal, fish, chicken, turkey, pork and burger

5 levels of Preset Doneness:
Well done, medium well, medium, medium rare and rare

If you are not satisfied with the preset temp, set your own!
Press and hold "S/S" for a few seconds to make a custom temperature.

It will beep when the temperature of the probe reaches the target temp.

Compared with Black & White display, this one has color display with touch screen.

The temperature readout is easy to read with backlit display even in dim light.

With strong magnet on the back, it can be attached on the fridge or oven.
With a built-in stand on the back, it can be put on the kitchen table.

Stainless Probe Temperature Range: 32°F to 482°F (0°C to 250°C)
Stainless Probe length: 0.6ft

Celsius Default Setting but can be switched to Fahrenheit simply by pressing "S/S".

Package Content:
1 x Meat thermometer; 2 x Stainless steel probes (one probe is a backup, 2 probes cannot be used simultaneously); 1 x User manual

Note: The probe can be put the probe into meat and left in an open oven since it is high temperature resistant,
but it can't be left in a closed oven as the temp is higher than 482°F.
DON NOT put the main body of this thermometer into oven since it is made of ABS.

  • SMARTRO ST59 Meat Thermometer Instant Read Food Thermometer Digital Coo
DON NOT put the main body of this thermometer into oven since it is made of ABS.

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SMARTRO ST59 Meat Thermometer Instant Read Food Thermometer Digital Cooking Thermometer for Oven, Kitchen, Grilling, Smoker with Timer Alert 2 Probes Discount

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