Bayer Suspend Sc Insecticide -(1 Pint) Flea Tick Roaches Ant Professional Pest Control Product

Bayer Suspend Sc Insecticide -(1 Pint) Flea Tick Roaches Ant Professional Pest Control Product

Bayer Suspend Sc Insecticide -(1 Pint) Flea Tick Roaches Ant Professional Pest Control Product is the most popular goods brought out this workweek. At the time of advancing you'll find it unparalleled excogitation , altered also now fit no greater than for your own use . And already there is a wide selection of own products it's possible get. Currently the complete product is built using special materials that truly have top shelf and style . Bayer Suspend Sc Insecticide -(1 Pint) Flea Tick Roaches Ant Professional Pest Control Product is a favorite pick some people . Or I JUST firmly highly recommend it. With the international top shelf touchstones, therefore clearing this product a classy and as expected long lived. Many of us really like currently the Bayer Suspend Sc Insecticide -(1 Pint) Flea Tick Roaches Ant Professional Pest Control Product as lots of variants of colors , eccentrics , materials .

All of this is some consist of about Bayer Suspend Sc Insecticide -(1 Pint) Flea Tick Roaches Ant Professional Pest Control Product.


  • The Same Products Pest Control Companies Use
  • Yield and Mixing: One pint Suspend SC makes upto 64 gallons of solution, depending on the target pest
  • For Use in and around: Indoors and outdoors, including food handling areas
  • Broad-spectrum control of more than 50 nuisance pests
  • No odor, No visible residue, Works on porous surfaces
Bayer Suspend Sc Insecticide -(1 Pint) Flea Tick Roaches Ant Professional Pest Control Product Features is very good!


Suspend® SC
Suspend SC is an advanced-generation pyrethroid that fights more than 50 pests. It works at remarkably low concentrations and provides effective knockdown with a long residual. It also has a flexible label that allows for application in food service areas.

Flexible label means it can go places many competitors can’t

Broad-spectrum control of more than 50 nuisance pests
Works at low and high concentrations
Proven bed bug control
No odor
No visible residue
Works on porous surfaces
Pests controlled
Ants, bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, flour beetles, grain borers, lice, mosquitoes, scorpions, spiders, ticks, wasps,
Ants, bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, flour beetles, grain borers, lice, mosquitoes, scorpions, spiders, ticks, wasps, yellow jackets
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Bayer Suspend Sc Insecticide -(1 Pint) Flea Tick Roaches Ant Professional Pest Control Product Discount
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