Hidden Spy Camera 1080P HD USB Wall Charger For Use In Security Surveillance or as a Mini Nanny Cam by Arena Club

Hidden Spy Camera 1080P HD USB Wall Charger For Use In Security Surveillance or as a Mini Nanny Cam by Arena Club

Hidden Spy Camera 1080P HD USB Wall Charger For Use In Security Surveillance or as a Mini Nanny Cam by Arena Club is the most popular goods released this week . At the time of encouraging its unequalled innovation , altered and after this accommodated at most for you . And today appreciate the fact a wide selection of wares it's possible get. Currently the completely products is designed using particular stuffs that in some way have top ranking and vogue . Hidden Spy Camera 1080P HD USB Wall Charger For Use In Security Surveillance or as a Mini Nanny Cam by Arena Club is a best loved choice us . Or even I JUST NOW really highly recommend it. With the outside top ranking touchstones, thence realising this product a posh and not surprisingly long lived. Alot of folks like currently the Hidden Spy Camera 1080P HD USB Wall Charger For Use In Security Surveillance or as a Mini Nanny Cam by Arena Club as so many editions of colours , types , stuffs.

Involves is while most consist of regarding Hidden Spy Camera 1080P HD USB Wall Charger For Use In Security Surveillance or as a Mini Nanny Cam by Arena Club.


  • 1080P HD VIDEO: Videos recorded by the wall charger camera are recorded in clear 1080P HD video, giving you a clear view of any room. Easily see what's going on in your home or office, or wherever you need to set up covert video surveillance.
  • EASY OPERATION: Just insert a micro SD card (not included) just plug it into any AC outlet, and the camera will start recording. There is no complicated setup or configuration needed, the camera is truly plug and play and easy for anyone to use.
  • COVERT SURVEILLANCE: There is no pinhole which helps disguise the device. In addition, because wall chargers are so common, you can place this device virtually anywhere and no one will suspect it is anything but a USB charger.
  • AUTO OVERWRITE: Features auto overwrite aka "loop recording" mode. This means if the memory fills up, the camera will automatically overwrite the oldest video files so that it can continue recording, which makes for easy "hands off" video surveillance.
  • LIFETIME GUARANTEE: We back up each order with a complete lifetime money back guarantee to ensure your total satisfaction.
Hidden Spy Camera 1080P HD USB Wall Charger For Use In Security Surveillance or as a Mini Nanny Cam by Arena Club Features is very good!


Most Covert Hidden Camera:

This ordinary looking and functional USB wall charger features a 1080P HD hidden camera lens allowing you to easily monitor any room in your home or business.

No matter where you need covert video surveillance, this mini charger camera will blend in easily. Unlike many adapter cameras this device has no physical "pinhole", no one will suspect there is a camera hidden inside.


1) SD Card: Supports up to 32GB. Make sure to format the card FAT32 and to set the partition to system (not logical) and active.

2) Time Base: The device will write a time.txt file to the root of the device's filesystem. You can view/edit this file when it's connected to the computer via USB. Change the date/time to reflect the correct timebase and save the file.

3) Video type: You can also change the recording from motion-started to continuous as well as modifying the resolution. This is again done through the time.txt file mentioned in (2) above. Notice the "B1" at the end of the time string. The 'B' stands for motion-sensing mode, and the '1' for 1080 resolution. If you change the 'B' to 'A' you get continuous video (still in 3 minutes chunks, however). '2' gives 720 resolution, and '3' gives 480.

A1 = 1080P Continuous Recording
A2 = 720P Continuous Recording
A3 = 480P Continuous Recording
B1 = 1080P Motion Detection Recording
B2 = 720P Motion Detection Recording
B3 = 480P Motion Detection Recording

Product FAQs:

1) Where is the ideal location to use this camera?
The camera lens looks straight out, so a counter-height outlet is ideal, however you can also plug it into an extension cord, which will allow you to adjust the viewing angle.

2) Can I view the video live on my smartphone?
This is not a live view camera, so to view the video, you need to connect the camera to your computer to view the files.
  • Hidd
This is not a live view camera, so to view the video, you need to connect the camera to your computer to view the files.
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Hidden Spy Camera 1080P HD USB Wall Charger For Use In Security Surveillance or as a Mini Nanny Cam by Arena Club Discount

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