Magicfly Polymer Clay Starter Kit, 45 Colors Oven Bake Clay with 5 Modeling Tools and 40 Jewelry Accessories, Safe and Nontoxic DIY Baking Clay Blocks

Magicfly Polymer Clay Starter Kit, 45 Colors Oven Bake Clay with 5 Modeling Tools and 40 Jewelry Accessories, Safe and Nontoxic DIY Baking Clay Blocks

Magicfly Polymer Clay Starter Kit, 45 Colors Oven Bake Clay with 5 Modeling Tools and 40 Jewelry Accessories, Safe and Nontoxic DIY Baking Clay Blocks is the best goods published this workweek. At the time of boosting its unequaled conception, altered and now suited a maximum of yourself . And after this there's been a wide variety of wares it's possible get. Currently the whole items is engineered by using peculiar stuffs that in some way have high quality and trend. Magicfly Polymer Clay Starter Kit, 45 Colors Oven Bake Clay with 5 Modeling Tools and 40 Jewelry Accessories, Safe and Nontoxic DIY Baking Clay Blocks is a favorite selection some people . And I SIMPLY strongly strongly suggest it. With the external high quality criteria , hence earning this product a classy and naturally durable . While most of folks love the Magicfly Polymer Clay Starter Kit, 45 Colors Oven Bake Clay with 5 Modeling Tools and 40 Jewelry Accessories, Safe and Nontoxic DIY Baking Clay Blocks as countless variants of colours , eccentrics , stuffs.

Involves is many offered to do with Magicfly Polymer Clay Starter Kit, 45 Colors Oven Bake Clay with 5 Modeling Tools and 40 Jewelry Accessories, Safe and Nontoxic DIY Baking Clay Blocks.


  • 【45 Colorsã€' set of 45 gorgeous and bright colored polymer clay blocks, idea for beginners to create small ornaments and conducive to intellectual development of children.
  • 【Non-toxic Materialã€' made from non-toxic and eco-friendly soft polymer molding clay with bright color, non-sticky to your hands, super stretchy.
  • 【Come with some tool accessoriesã€' durable plastic tools, decorated ear hooks, phone chain, brooch holder, etc.
  • 【Keep all the things in Organizeã€' Packed in a Sturdy, Stackable, Storage Box, good to keep every clay in organized. It is portable with durable handle.
  • 【Three Stereotypes Methodsã€' Oven Bake (Recommended), Boil method (suitable small works size in 1/3 inch) and Hair Blower Heating (Suitable small works size in 1-2 inch)
Magicfly Polymer Clay Starter Kit, 45 Colors Oven Bake Clay with 5 Modeling Tools and 40 Jewelry Accessories, Safe and Nontoxic DIY Baking Clay Blocks Features is very good!


Stereotypes Method:
1. Oven Bake (Recommend)
*Place onto a foil sheet or ceramic tile and into the center of a household oven, pre-heated to 120-130℃ (248-266℉) for 15 minutes.
*Oven bake at 130℃ for 15-30 minutes. Baking time may vary according to clay thickness and as a general rule allow 15 minutes per 1/4 inch (6mm) thickness.
*Do not exceed the recommended baking time! Baking should be completed by an adult. Carefully move from the oven after baking and natural cooling.
2. Hair Blower Heating (Suit for small works size in 1-2 inch)
*Put the works into the paper box, and blow it for 3-5 minutes to become harden.
3. Boil Method (Suit for small works size in 1/3 inch)
*Put the work on a plate and in the cold water and until the water boiling, keep boiling for 10-20 minutes. Take out after water becomes cool.
*Best use purified water, to avoiding Calcium carbonate adhere to the works.
Package includes:
45*colors polymer clay blocks
1*storage box
5*clay tools
47+ Jewelry Accessories (Bracelet, Necklace, Ear Hooks, Phone Chain etc.)
  • Magicfly Polymer Clay Starter Kit, 45 Colors Oven Bake Clay with 5 Modeling Tools and 40
47+ Jewelry Accessories (Bracelet, Necklace, Ear Hooks, Phone Chain etc.)
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Magicfly Polymer Clay Starter Kit, 45 Colors Oven Bake Clay with 5 Modeling Tools and 40 Jewelry Accessories, Safe and Nontoxic DIY Baking Clay Blocks Discount

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