Safer Brand 51703 Diatomaceous Earth Bed Bug, Flea and Ant Crawling Insect Killer, 4 lb

Safer Brand 51703 Diatomaceous Earth Bed Bug, Flea and Ant Crawling Insect Killer, 4 lb

Safer Brand 51703 Diatomaceous Earth Bed Bug, Flea and Ant Crawling Insect Killer, 4 lb is the most popular goods put out the foregoing week . By encouraging you'll find it unparalleled conception, altered and today accommodated around for your own . And from now on we have seen a wide selection of wares you are able get. Currently the whole merchandise is manufactured by using peculiar stuffs that in some way have great and trend. Safer Brand 51703 Diatomaceous Earth Bed Bug, Flea and Ant Crawling Insect Killer, 4 lb is a best loved selection some of us . Or even FREEZING ardently recommend it. With the international great touchstones, so making this product a posh and as expected durable . While most among us really like currently the Safer Brand 51703 Diatomaceous Earth Bed Bug, Flea and Ant Crawling Insect Killer, 4 lb as so many editions of colours , cases, stuffs.

This all is some proposed about Safer Brand 51703 Diatomaceous Earth Bed Bug, Flea and Ant Crawling Insect Killer, 4 lb.


  • Diatomaceous earth-based powder is a highly effective ant killer; 4-pound resealable bag
  • Kills insects by ingestion/dehydration within 48 hours indoors or outdoors
  • Also for bed bug, cockroach, flea, earwig, silverfish, cricket, millipede and centipede control
  • Insects cannot develop a resistance to it since there are no chemicals to build immunity from
  • Formula contains 100% Diatomaceous Earth
Safer Brand 51703 Diatomaceous Earth Bed Bug, Flea and Ant Crawling Insect Killer, 4 lb Features is very good!


Safer Brand ant and crawling insect killer's 100% diatomaceous earth pest control fo


Safer Brand ant and crawling insect killer's 100% diatomaceous earth pest control formula is ideal for killing ants, earwigs, cockroaches, silverfish, crickets, fleas, millipedes, and centipedes. 100% diatomaceous earth kills insects by ingestion and/or dehydration within 48 hours. Works indoors and outdoors when kept dry.
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Safer Brand 51703 Diatomaceous Earth Bed Bug, Flea and Ant Crawling Insect Killer, 4 lb Discount
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