TangDepot Cotton Solid Throw Pillow Covers, 16" x 16" , Light Blue

TangDepot Cotton Solid Throw Pillow Covers, 16" x 16" , Light Blue

TangDepot Cotton Solid Throw Pillow Covers, 16" x 16" , Light Blue is the most popular goods published this workweek. As of boosting you'll find it unequaled excogitation , altered and now accommodated no more than yourself . Also now appreciate the fact a wide selection of wares you can get. The total items is engineered through peculiar materials that really have top ranking or even trend. TangDepot Cotton Solid Throw Pillow Covers, 16" x 16" , Light Blue is a favourite pick many of us. Or I MERELY solidly highly recommend it. With the external top ranking touchstones, so earning this product a classy or even not surprisingly durable . Many sufferers really like currently the TangDepot Cotton Solid Throw Pillow Covers, 16" x 16" , Light Blue as so many editions of colors , cases, materials .

Considerable time is alot of consist of related to TangDepot Cotton Solid Throw Pillow Covers, 16" x 16" , Light Blue.


  • Quantity & Material: 1 pillow cover (Note: Only Cover, and INSERT NOT INCLUDED). 100% Cotton. It is made with light weight, 100% high quality cotton canvas for comfort and durability
  • Size, Color & Design: 16"x16", Light blue. Both the front and the back of the pillow cover have the same color. Choice of 12 Great Colors: Apple green, Brilliant rose, Dark Navy, Deep coffee, Khaki, Light blue, Light coffee, Red, Salmon pink, Watermelon Red, Wine and Yellow.
  • Soft, Hidden zipper allows easy insertion or removal of a cushion, High-end quality and workmanship, And add a touch of graceful color to your bedroom or living room
  • Fade resistant, mildew resistant, UV protection, water resistant, weather resistant. All fabric edges are sewn with zigzag overlock stitch to prevent fray and ensure durability
  • COVER ONLY (INSERT NOT INCLUDED). imported. Washing Instruction: Machine Washable / Dry Clean. 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed or full refund
TangDepot Cotton Solid Throw Pillow Covers, 16" x 16" , Light Blue Features is very good!


TangDepot Decorative Handmade Solid Cotton Throw Pillow Covers /Pillow Shams, 12 Color and 7 Size options, Apple green, Brilliant rose, Dark Navy, Deep coffee, Khaki, Light blue, Light coffee, Red, Salmon pink, Watermelon Red, Wine, Yellow, 12" x 18", 16" x 16", 18" x 18", 20" x 20", 22" x 22", 24" x 24" and 26" x 26".

Update your living room or family room with new accent pillows. Home furnishings for indoor use.

The throw pillow cover is perfect for sofas, beds and home decoration. With this removable throw pillow cover (cushion cover), you can change the decor of your room without throwing out your used / old / expensive and comfortable accent pillow or cushion

The throw pillow cover can be machine washed with mild detergent and air dry, or Dry Clean.

Note again:

Actual patterns on the throw pillow cover may differ due to pattern placement on original fabric layout.

The color of the throw pillow cover / cushion cover may differ due to different monitors.

Only Throw Pillow Cover (Cushion Cover). PILLOW INSERT IS NOT INCLUDED

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TangDepot Cotton Solid Throw Pillow Covers, 16
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