usmile X2 TLE 88mm Micro Brushless Carbon Fiber Quadcopter Quad Drone Frame for Indoor Outdoor FPV racing Support for 1104 1102 motor 2030 2035 1930 props 2s 300-450mah battery

usmile X2 TLE 88mm Micro Brushless Carbon Fiber Quadcopter Quad Drone Frame for Indoor Outdoor FPV racing Support for 1104 1102 motor 2030 2035 1930 props 2s 300-450mah battery

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This all is while most consist of regarding usmile X2 TLE 88mm Micro Brushless Carbon Fiber Quadcopter Quad Drone Frame for Indoor Outdoor FPV racing Support for 1104 1102 motor 2030 2035 1930 props 2s 300-450mah battery.


  • Made of full carbon fiber(2.5mm bottom plate, 1.5mm top plate) , super lightweight and resistant to crash
  • Suitable for both beginners and experienced pilots
  • Well-designed to easily mount your camera ,antenna and other equipment
  • Perfect combination with 1104/1102 motors, maximum 2035 props, 20*20mm flight control
  • Weight: about 10g, perfect for Tiny whoop upgrade
usmile X2 TLE 88mm Micro Brushless Carbon Fiber Quadcopter Quad Drone Frame for Indoor Outdoor FPV racing Support for 1104 1102 motor 2030 2035 1930 props 2s 300-450mah battery Features is very good!


Made of carbon fiber , super lightweight and resistant to crash
Suitable for both beginners and experienced pilots
Well-designed to easily mount your camera ,antenna and other equipment

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  • usmile X2 TLE 88mm Micro Brushless Carbon Fiber Quadcopter Quad Drone Frame for Indoor Outdoor FPV racing Support for 1104 1102 motor 2030 2035 1930 props 2s 300-450mah battery is masterly or even a good range .
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usmile X2 TLE 88mm Micro Brushless Carbon Fiber Quadcopter Quad Drone Frame for Indoor Outdoor FPV racing Support for 1104 1102 motor 2030 2035 1930 props 2s 300-450mah battery Discount

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