Reynolds Kitchens Sandwich and Snack Wax Paper Bags (50 Count, Pack of 3)

Reynolds Kitchens Sandwich and Snack Wax Paper Bags (50 Count, Pack of 3)

Reynolds Kitchens Sandwich and Snack Wax Paper Bags (50 Count, Pack of 3) is the most popular goods put out this week . Since furthering you'll find it unparalleled conception, changed and then accommodated a maximum of through your own efforts . Also now there is a wide variety of own products you are able get. The whole products is designed using special stuffs that in some way have top ranking or even trend. Reynolds Kitchens Sandwich and Snack Wax Paper Bags (50 Count, Pack of 3) is a favourite choice many of us. Or even WE clearly strongly suggest it. With the international top ranking touchstones, thence pulling in this product a swish or even needless to say long lasting . Some of united states like the Reynolds Kitchens Sandwich and Snack Wax Paper Bags (50 Count, Pack of 3) as a lot of versions of colourings, types , stuffs.

This all is while many suggested related to Reynolds Kitchens Sandwich and Snack Wax Paper Bags (50 Count, Pack of 3).


  • Containing 50% unbleached fibers and free of elemental chlorine, these responsibly sourced, USA-made paper bags are a sandwich bag you can feel good about.
  • Seal in freshness and send a smile with 50 stickers in each pack.
  • Recycle the packaging, made with 100% recycled paperboard.
  • Perfect for sandwiches, snacks, treats, and party favors, these wax paper bags are great for giving food-based gifts like homemade cookies and candies this holiday season.
  • This pack includes three 50-count cartons of Reynolds KITCHENS Wax Paper Sandwich Bags measuring 6 inches by 7-13/16 inches, opening to 2-3/4 inches wide.
Reynolds Kitchens Sandwich and Snack Wax Paper Bags (50 Count, Pack of 3) Features is very good!


Store sandwiches, chips, cookies, and more in Reynolds Kitchens Wax Pa


Store sandwiches, chips, cookies, and more in Reynolds Kitchens Wax Paper Sandwich Bags, a storage bag you can feel good about. Containing 50% unbleached fibers and free of elemental chlorine, these responsibly sourced, USA-made paper bags are a sandwich bag you can feel good about. Seal in freshness and send a smile with 50 stickers in each pack. Recycle the packaging, made with 100% recycled paperboard. Perfect for sandwiches, snacks, treats, and party favors, these wax paper bags are great for giving food-based gifts like homemade cookies and candies this holiday season. This pack includes three 50-count cartons of Reynolds KITCHENS Wax Paper Sandwich Bags measuring 6 inches by 7-13/16 inches, opening to 2-3/4 inches wide.
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Reynolds Kitchens Sandwich and Snack Wax Paper Bags (50 Count, Pack of 3) Discount

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