SanDisk Cruzer Glide CZ60 32GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive - SDCZ60-032G-B35

SanDisk Cruzer Glide CZ60 32GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive - SDCZ60-032G-B35

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All this is alot of recommended related to SanDisk Cruzer Glide CZ60 32GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive - SDCZ60-032G-B35.


  • Reliable storage for photos, videos, music and other files
  • USB 2.0 compatibility
  • Capacities up to 64 GB
  • Keep your private files private with included SanDisk SecureAccess software
SanDisk Cruzer Glide CZ60 32GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive - SDCZ60-032G-B35 Features is very good!


Reliable, secure and portable storage for photos, videos, music a


Reliable, secure and portable storage for photos, videos, music and other files in capacities up to 64 GB with password protection and file encryption to keep private files secure while leaving the rest of the drive available for sharing. For added protection and convenience, 2 GB of secure online storage is offered for easy file backup and access from any web browser.
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