6 PACKS Instant Pot Accessories Big Steamer Basket Sets Ice Cube Mold Springform Pan Egg Steamer Rack Silicone Oven Mitts Dish Clip for Pressure Cooker Cooking Pot Cookware Steamer Pot Pan 6 8 qt

6 PACKS Instant Pot Accessories Big Steamer Basket Sets Ice Cube Mold Springform Pan Egg Steamer Rack Silicone Oven Mitts Dish Clip for Pressure Cooker Cooking Pot Cookware Steamer Pot Pan 6 8 qt

6 PACKS Instant Pot Accessories Big Steamer Basket Sets Ice Cube Mold Springform Pan Egg Steamer Rack Silicone Oven Mitts Dish Clip for Pressure Cooker Cooking Pot Cookware Steamer Pot Pan 6 8 qt is the best goods brought out this workweek. As of furthering you'll find it unequalled design , changed and already suited no more than for your self. And appreciate the fact a wide selection of products you're able get. The entirely gifts is made using particular materials that have top shelf and trend. 6 PACKS Instant Pot Accessories Big Steamer Basket Sets Ice Cube Mold Springform Pan Egg Steamer Rack Silicone Oven Mitts Dish Clip for Pressure Cooker Cooking Pot Cookware Steamer Pot Pan 6 8 qt is a favourite pick some of us . And WE ardently can't help but recommend it. With the outside top shelf standards , thence taking in this product a posh and clearly long lasting . Some among us really like currently the 6 PACKS Instant Pot Accessories Big Steamer Basket Sets Ice Cube Mold Springform Pan Egg Steamer Rack Silicone Oven Mitts Dish Clip for Pressure Cooker Cooking Pot Cookware Steamer Pot Pan 6 8 qt as so many editions of colourings, characters , materials .

Pretty much everything is alot of recommended related to 6 PACKS Instant Pot Accessories Big Steamer Basket Sets Ice Cube Mold Springform Pan Egg Steamer Rack Silicone Oven Mitts Dish Clip for Pressure Cooker Cooking Pot Cookware Steamer Pot Pan 6 8 qt.


  • HEALTHY INSTANT POT SETS:Our instant pot steamer kits have FDA certification meet US food grade safety testing. As we all know that having steaming food is good for our health. In another way steaming food is also protect nutrients from food to prevent nutrient loss. Stainless Steel steamer is the healthier cooker for your family.
  • SET OF 6 STREAMER KIT:Big Steamer Basket & Egg Steamer for steam cooking, Springform Pan for making cake, Silicone Oven Mitts & Plate Dish Clip for taking hot stuff or extremely cold stuff, Egg bites mold for cooking egg or service as a ice cube mold, jelly, dessert and baby food. Each product can be use together or use separately.
  • UPGRADED BIG STEAMER:You will get 6 pack useful & premium accessory to your instapot. Upgraded big steamer basket, the best design for steam delicious food, fit for your 6, 8 qt instant pot perfectly. Perfect steamer basket for veggies, hard cooked eggs and also can be used for fast straining when you are making bone broth & stocks. Christmas is coming, are you still worry about how to prepare Christmas dinner? You must need our free kitchen gifts! These kitchen accessories make it more handy.
  • MULTIFUNCTION SUITABLE ANY POT:When you get these pressure cooker accessories just like you get all the skill of streaming. You can stream any food you love with our streamer set without any worry of you health. Instant Pot Accessories unique removable convenient dividers for multiple items, more choice and fun. Steamer Basket can cook all kind of vegetables and egg steamer rack help you cook delicious eggs.
  • EASY TO USE AND CLEAN:2018 upgraded premium convenient design suitable for women men or elders. Just choose the right steamer set then put the food on the cooking kit and put them in the pot. Add some seasoning then you can wait for your delicious steamed food. The instant pot accessories steamer basket are easily insert and remove with convenient handles. Easy to wash, easy to remove and dishwasher-safe. Suitable for instant pot, steamer pot, pasta pot, stainless steel pots.
6 PACKS Instant Pot Accessories Big Steamer Basket Sets Ice Cube Mold Springform Pan Egg Steamer Rack Silicone Oven Mitts Dish Clip for Pressure Cooker Cooking Pot Cookware Steamer Pot Pan 6 8 qt Features is very good!


Why do you need 6 PACK steamer kit?
Steaming is a healthier cooking choice, Because it can retain more vitamins, nutrients and texture than boiling,
microwaving and frying method. preserves up to 30% more nutrients than other cooking methods.

Our food grade 304 stainless steel instant pot accessories steamer set suitable for all types of food cooking. Fits Instant Pot 6,8 qt or Pressure Cooker,
also fit other cookers models like IP-DUO60, DUO80, LUX60, LUX80.

What kind of food can be used for steamer rack?
perfect for vegetables, rice, meat, fruits cheesecakes, cake pan pie egg bites, noodles, eggs, seafood, fish, clams, shrimp, bone stock.
Cooking egg and baking muffins, mini muffins, cupcakes, sauces, desserts, chicken dumplings and so on.

Big Steamer Basket, Springform Pan, Egg rack and Dish Clip use long lasting 304 stainless steel material
Silicone Mini Oven Mitts & Egg Bites Mold use resistant silicone

âœ" Healthier cooking set
âœ" Environment & safety
âœ" Premium quality & food-grade
âœ" Easier & more efficient Cooking
âœ" Easy to clean & wash

Suitable for:
Instant pot, Steamer pot, Pasta pot, Instant pot, Stainless steel pots, Pressure cooker

Package Include:

1 x Big Steamer Basket (9.20'' × 9.20'' × 5.50'')

1 x Non-stick Springform Pan (7.10'' × 7.10'' × 2.25'')

1 x Egg Steamer Rack (7.09'' × 7.09'' × 2.05'')

1 x Egg Bites Mold(8.30'' × 8.30'' × 2.00'')

1 x Silicone Oven Mitts (3.35'' × 3.62'')

1 x Dish Clip (7.10'' × 2.54'' × 1.20'')

These kitchen accessaries serves as the best gift idea for loved and dear ones, you can purchase these as a best gift for your wife or your mother.
  • 6 PACKS Instant Pot Accessories Big Steamer Basket Sets Ice Cube Mold Springform Pan Egg Steamer Rack Silicone Oven Mitts Dish Clip for Pressure Cooker Cooking Pot Cookware Steamer Pot Pan 6 8 qt is masterl
  • 6 PACKS Instant Pot Accessories Big Steamer Basket Sets Ice Cube Mold Springform Pan Egg Steamer Rack Silicone Oven Mitts Dish Clip for Pressure Cooker Cooking Pot Cookware Steamer Pot Pan 6 8 qt is masterly and a quality commodity .
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6 PACKS Instant Pot Accessories Big Steamer Basket Sets Ice Cube Mold Springform Pan Egg Steamer Rack Silicone Oven Mitts Dish Clip for Pressure Cooker Cooking Pot Cookware Steamer Pot Pan 6 8 qt Discount

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