Oral-B FlossAction Electric Toothbrush Replacement Brush Heads Refill (2 count)

Oral-B FlossAction Electric Toothbrush Replacement Brush Heads Refill (2 count)

Oral-B FlossAction Electric Toothbrush Replacement Brush Heads Refill (2 count) is one of the best goods released this workweek. Since encouraging its unique invention , varied and from now on accommodated around through your own efforts . And today appreciate the fact a wide variety of merchandise you're able get. Currently the entirely products is manufactured with the use of special stuffs that actually have high quality and trend. Oral-B FlossAction Electric Toothbrush Replacement Brush Heads Refill (2 count) is a preferent selection some people . And I firmly recommend it. With the external high quality measures , therefore making this product a classy and as you can imagine lasting . Some folks like currently the Oral-B FlossAction Electric Toothbrush Replacement Brush Heads Refill (2 count) as a great many editions of colours , characters , stuffs.

All of this is alot of recommended related to Oral-B FlossAction Electric Toothbrush Replacement Brush Heads Refill (2 count).


  • The Floss Action toothbrush head provides a floss-like clean* *on an Oral-B Pro 2000 or higher, does not replace flossing
  • Unique floss action bristles loosen plaque in between teeth
  • Round brush head is inspired by dental professional tools for a tooth-by-tooth clean, with specially engineered bristles for optimal tooth coverage
  • #1 Dentist Used Toothbrush Brand, Worldwide - Oral-B (data on file)
  • Compatible with the entire lineup of Oral-B rechargeable handles, except for Oral-B sonic toothbrushes
  • The Floss Action toothbrush head provides a floss-like clean (but does not replace flossing)^Gives a whole-mouth cleaning, including in interdental spaces^Features MicroPulse Bristles to clean deep between teeth for outstanding plaque removal^Compatible with the entire lineup of Oral-B rechargeable handles, except for Oral-B sonic toothbrushes^#1 brand used by dentists worldwide - Oral-B (data on file)
  • Manufactured in Germany
Oral-B FlossAction Electric Toothbrush Replacement Brush Heads Refill (2 count) Features is very good!


3D Action for Tooth-by-Tooth Cleaning. Each Oral-B toothbrush head’s desig


3D Action for Tooth-by-Tooth Cleaning. Each Oral-B toothbrush head’s design is inspired by professional dental tools. The Floss Action toothbrush head has MicroPulse bristles to clean deep between teeth for outstanding plaque removal. While it does not replace flossing, it does provide a floss-like clean, as well as a superior whole mouth clean compared to a regular manual toothbrush. The Floss Action head works with unique Oral-B technology that oscillates, rotates and pulsates, allowing the bristles to surround each tooth for an amazing, tooth-by-tooth clean. Compatible with Oral-B Genius 8000, Oral-B PRO 7000, 6000, 5000, 3000 and 1000, and Oral-B Vitality. Each order comes with 2x Oral-B Floss Action Electric Replacement Toothbrush Heads.
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Oral-B FlossAction Electric Toothbrush Replacement Brush Heads Refill (2 count) Discount
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