3000g x 0.01g Lab Analytical Balance Scale, MOCCO 10 mg High Precision Electronic Scientific Scale Accuracy Weighs Laboratory Instrument with 500g Calibration Weight, Adapter for Laboratories School

3000g x 0.01g Lab Analytical Balance Scale, MOCCO 10 mg High Precision Electronic Scientific Scale Accuracy Weighs Laboratory Instrument with 500g Calibration Weight, Adapter for Laboratories School

3000g x 0.01g Lab Analytical Balance Scale, MOCCO 10 mg High Precision Electronic Scientific Scale Accuracy Weighs Laboratory Instrument with 500g Calibration Weight, Adapter for Laboratories School is the most popular goods put out the foregoing workweek. At the time of encouraging you'll find it unequaled innovation , varied now fit around yourself . And today there have been a wide variety of own products it's possible get. The total product or service is designed currency peculiar stuffs that have world class and vogue . 3000g x 0.01g Lab Analytical Balance Scale, MOCCO 10 mg High Precision Electronic Scientific Scale Accuracy Weighs Laboratory Instrument with 500g Calibration Weight, Adapter for Laboratories School is a favorite selection some of us . And I SIMPLY fervently can't help but recommend it. With the external world class criteria , therefore gaining this product a classy and needless to say long lived. Some sufferers really love the 3000g x 0.01g Lab Analytical Balance Scale, MOCCO 10 mg High Precision Electronic Scientific Scale Accuracy Weighs Laboratory Instrument with 500g Calibration Weight, Adapter for Laboratories School as lots of versions of colours , characters , stuffs.

All this is while many suggested to do with 3000g x 0.01g Lab Analytical Balance Scale, MOCCO 10 mg High Precision Electronic Scientific Scale Accuracy Weighs Laboratory Instrument with 500g Calibration Weight, Adapter for Laboratories School.


  • Accurate, rapid and steady weighing
  • Adopt high quality plastic for long-term use
  • Suitable for rapidly determining the quality and quantity of the objects in industry, agriculture, commerce, school, scientific research and other
  • Adopt high-definition LCD screen display, easy to read. Easy to operate for each user
  • This scale has high accuracy of weighing, fast and stable, easy to operate and has a complete functions.
3000g x 0.01g Lab Analytical Balance Scale, MOCCO 10 mg High Precision Electronic Scientific Scale Accuracy Weighs Laboratory Instrument with 500g Calibration Weight, Adapter for Laboratories School Features is very good!


This Multifunctional Electronic Scientific Balance with calibration weights can meet your demand. Digital Analytic Lab Instrument adopts high quality plastic for your long-term use. In addition, it is equipped with a high-definition LCD screen display for your easy reading. It is easy to operate for each user. It is widely used for quick measurement of the quality and quantity of material in industrial, laboratory, jewelry weighing, agricultural, commercial, schools and scientific institutions.

1. White background light for clear reading
2. Low power consumption and high accuracy
3. Fashionable design and multifunction
4. Especially fit for laboratory use
5. Tare weighing function
6. Counting function (PCS), you can put the goods that you want to count on the center of the platform and the LCD will show the actual number of the goods on the platform

1. Max. Weight: 105.82 oz / 3000 g / 6.61 lbs
2. Power Supply: Adapter or 2.5Ah x 6V battery (not included)
3. Working Environment Temperature Range: 5℃- 35℃
4. Display: LCD
5. Units: gram (g), carat (ct), oz, ozt, lb, N,dwt,dr,GN,tlT,T,T/A/R , %
6. Dimensions: (10.62 x 7.68 x 2.17)" / (27 x 19.5 x 5.5)cm (L x W x H)
7. Weight: 106.25oz / 3012g
8. Accuracy Resolution: 0.01g
9. Background Light Color: White
10. Platform diameter: 5.12" / 13cm
11. Weight: 49.24oz / 1396g
12. Power Adapter: AC110-240V (Input); 8.5V,500mA (Output)
13. Material: ABS
14. Color: White

Package Includes:
1 x High Precision Digital Electronic Experiment Scale
1 x Power Adapter
1 x User Manual
2 x 500g Calibration Weights
  • 3000g x 0.01g Lab Analytical Balance Scale, MOCCO 10 mg High Precision Electronic Scientific Scale Accuracy Weighs Laboratory Instrument with 500g Calibration Weight, Adapter for Laboratories School is consum
  • 3000g x 0.01g Lab Analytical Balance Scale, MOCCO 10 mg High Precision Electronic Scientific Scale Accuracy Weighs Laboratory Instrument with 500g Calibration Weight, Adapter for Laboratories School is consummate and a quality selection .
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3000g x 0.01g Lab Analytical Balance Scale, MOCCO 10 mg High Precision Electronic Scientific Scale Accuracy Weighs Laboratory Instrument with 500g Calibration Weight, Adapter for Laboratories School Discount

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