Electric Toothbrush Holder Oral B Toothbrush Head Stand for Braun Charger Type 3757.(Toothbrush, Heads and Charger are NOT Include)

Electric Toothbrush Holder Oral B Toothbrush Head Stand for Braun Charger Type 3757.(Toothbrush, Heads and Charger are NOT Include)

Electric Toothbrush Holder Oral B Toothbrush Head Stand for Braun Charger Type 3757.(Toothbrush, Heads and Charger are NOT Include) is my favorite goods published the foregoing workweek. As of boosting you'll find it unequalled invention , changed and already fit just around for yourself . And there was a wide variety of own products you can get. Currently the overall object is designed with peculiar materials that have top ranking and style . Electric Toothbrush Holder Oral B Toothbrush Head Stand for Braun Charger Type 3757.(Toothbrush, Heads and Charger are NOT Include) is a preferred choice some people . And I RECENTLY strongly strongly suggest it. With the external top ranking measures , thus realising this product a posh and clearly long lived. Alot of among us really like the Electric Toothbrush Holder Oral B Toothbrush Head Stand for Braun Charger Type 3757.(Toothbrush, Heads and Charger are NOT Include) as countless versions of colourings, cases, materials .

All of this is some consist of regarding Electric Toothbrush Holder Oral B Toothbrush Head Stand for Braun Charger Type 3757.(Toothbrush, Heads and Charger are NOT Include).


  • Perfect for 4 brush heads, 1 charger and 2 Oral-B Electric Rechargeable Toothbrush.
  • Compatible with: Oral-B PRO 600, Oral-B PRO 690, Oral-B Vitality, Oral-B 700, Oral-B Professional 3000 etc.
  • Elegant bathroom accessory to keep your charger and heads in good position.
  • Made of high-grade plastic to ensure maximum durability.
  • The toothbrush, brush heads and the charger are NOT INCLUDED in the package.
Electric Toothbrush Holder Oral B Toothbrush Head Stand for Braun Charger Type 3757.(Toothbrush, Heads and Charger are NOT Include) Features is very good!


Toothbrush, heads and charger are NOT include.
Toothbrush, heads and charger are NOT include.
Toothbrush, heads and charger are NOT include.

Keeps your toothbrush away from sink bacteria.
Handy to use and easily washable.
A perfect solution to organize your toothbrush, brush heads and charger in one stand
This item does NOT come with brush heads and charger, these are for illustrative purposes ONLY.

*Product Size: 18.5x7.5x4 CM(=7.3x3x1.6 INCH)

*Compatible Oral B Rechargeable Electric Toothbrushes:

Braun Oral-B Black Pro 1000
Oral-B White Pro 1000
Braun Oral B Stages Powerkids-950
Braun Oral B Stages Powerkids
Braun Oral B Pro 3000
Braun Oral B Pro 2500
Braun Oral B Pro 2000
Braun Oral B Pro 1000
Braun Oral B Pro 700 3dwhite
Braun Oral B Pro 650
Braun Oral-B PRO 690
Braun Oral B Pro 600
Braun Oral B Vitality Sensitive Clean Note
  • Electric Toothbrush Holder Oral B Toothbrush Head Stand for Braun Charger Type 3757.(Toothbrush, Heads and Charger are NOT Include) is consum
  • Electric Toothbrush Holder Oral B Toothbrush Head Stand for Braun Charger Type 3757.(Toothbrush, Heads and Charger are NOT Include) is consummate and a good quality selection .
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Electric Toothbrush Holder Oral B Toothbrush Head Stand for Braun Charger Type 3757.(Toothbrush, Heads and Charger are NOT Include) Discount
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