kilofly Rainbow Folding Umbrella with 8 Panels of Different Colors by KF Umbrella

kilofly Rainbow Folding Umbrella with 8 Panels of Different Colors by KF Umbrella

kilofly Rainbow Folding Umbrella with 8 Panels of Different Colors by KF Umbrella is my favorite goods published this week . Adjusted encouraging you'll find it unequaled innovation , changed and already fit about by yourself . And here there's been a wide selection of own products it's possible get. Currently the entire goods is engineered with the use of special stuffs that actually have top ranking and style . kilofly Rainbow Folding Umbrella with 8 Panels of Different Colors by KF Umbrella is a best loved choice us . And I JUST highly strongly suggest it. With the outside top ranking measures , hence taking in this product a posh and clearly long lived. While many of folks really love currently the kilofly Rainbow Folding Umbrella with 8 Panels of Different Colors by KF Umbrella as many editions of colors , cases, stuffs.

Doing this is many planned related to kilofly Rainbow Folding Umbrella with 8 Panels of Different Colors by KF Umbrella.


  • Triple Folding - for easy open, close, carrying and space saving
  • Manual open and close, 8 panels in 8 colors
  • With metal frame and carry sleeve
  • Size: 88 x 65 cm / 34.6 x 25.6 inch (W x H) when opened; 25 cm / 9.8 inch (L) when folded
kilofly Rainbow Folding Umbrella with 8 Panels of Different Colors by KF Umbrella Features is very good!


Carry this kilofly Folding Umbrella with you in rainy days, staying cheerful a


Carry this kilofly Folding Umbrella with you in rainy days, staying cheerful and dry under a rainbow of colors. It is sturdy, well made, and easy to open and close. Best of all, with the hook handle, you can hang it on a chair or a coat hook. kilofly is a trademark exclusively licensed and distributed by kilofly Group. All rights reserved.
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