TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp Eye-caring Table Lamps, Dimmable Office Lamp with USB Charging Port, Touch Control, 5 Color Modes, White, 12W

TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp Eye-caring Table Lamps, Dimmable Office Lamp with USB Charging Port, Touch Control, 5 Color Modes, White, 12W is the most popular goods brought out the foregoing workweek. Adjusted advancing you'll find it unique design , changed and accommodated a maximum of by yourself . And now there have been a wide variety of products you can get. The whole entire collections is designed if you use special stuffs that really have quality and trend. TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp Eye-caring Table Lamps, Dimmable Office Lamp with USB Charging Port, Touch Control, 5 Color Modes, White, 12W is a pet choice some people . Or even I JUST NOW solidly strongly recommend it. With the outside quality measures , therefore bringing in this product a classy and clearly lasting . Many folks really love currently the TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp Eye-caring Table Lamps, Dimmable Office Lamp with USB Charging Port, Touch Control, 5 Color Modes, White, 12W as so many variations of colourings, cases, stuffs.

Pretty much everything is while most planned about TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp Eye-caring Table Lamps, Dimmable Office Lamp with USB Charging Port, Touch Control, 5 Color Modes, White, 12W.


  • Energy Efficient LED Desk Lamp that will reduce energy spending by 75%
  • Desk Lamp that is pleasant on the eyes with flicker-free lighting for reading, working, and studying
  • Lamp that is dimmable with 7 levels of brightness,Specs: 410 Lumen, Color temp: 2700-6000K, CRI: 90, Lifespan: 50, 000 hrs,Input: AC 100 - 240V
  • Modern design to naturally fit anywhere including office or bedroom.
  • Package contains: TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp (Model: TT-DL13), Power Adapter, User Manual, Cleaning Cloth

TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp Eye-caring Table Lamps, Dimmable Office Lamp with USB Charging Port, Touch Control, 5 Color Modes, White, 12W Features is very good!


TaoTronics TT-DL13 Overview
Lamp head and body is made of premium alloy casing with anodized aluminum that gives better heat dissipation and a longer life. Modern design that will naturally fit your desk / room / furniture; rotatable arm and lamp head, made from durable plastic and aluminum alloy

Choose Your Mood
Touch control with 5 color modes (temperature) to choose from, dimmable with 11 level of brightness to suit your activities

Any Angle
No matter the angle you're after, the adjustable head can rotate 90 degrees left and right or 135 degrees up and down so you can shine a light on anything.

Not Just A Light
It's handy to have a charger in unexpected places. Plug in your eReader, tablet, or smartphone into the built-in USB port.

Eye Caring
Design to be soft, stable and non-flickering, the lighting is friendly on your eyes so you can enjoy what you're doing for longer.

Touch Controls
Slide your fingers along the touch pad to set the brightness level and the lighting mode of your choice. It's convenient and easier than flicking a light switch.

- Wattage: 12W
- Luminous flux: 410lm
- Body material: Plastic + Metal
- USB Charging Port: 5V/1A

Package contents:
- 1 x TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp (Model: TT-DL13)
- 1 x Power Adapter
- 1 x User Manual
- 1 x Cleaning Cloth
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TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp Eye-caring Table Lamps, Dimmable Office Lamp with USB Charging Port, Touch Control, 5 Color Modes, White, 12W Discount

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